Friday, 13 January 2012


Its perhaps appropriate that comedian Frankie Boyle saw fit to comment on the new Scottish Government Anti-Sectarian Legislation, in Link Magazine, last month, an interview which has been reproduced in a number of Scottish and English newspapers, and which has been the subject of a discussion thread in the Vanguard Bears Website.

I use the word “appropriate”  as the whole Bill seems to be deteriorating into something resembling a comedy farce. Whatever anyone thinks of Boyle, some of his comments appear to have considerable substance.

It’s basically an attack on freedom of speech. It’s the ruling classes telling the working classes what to say and think.

Will middle-class rugby fans be arrested for singing anti-English songs? The idea is laughable.

But the double standards to which Boyle refers can actually be found if we explore the sectarian debate in Scotland in just a little depth, and without extending the debate to rugby.

Many of us will remember of course the comments of, the now unemployed journalist, Graham Spiers. in  describing the Rangers support...terms such as “vile bigoted troglodytes”. Their “Crime” apparently was having the temerity to sing about a Glasgow razor gang from the 1920's.

Contrast this with his response to Celtic Trust chairperson Jeanette Findlay who sought to defend Pro-IRA singing from the Celtic support on the BBC 5 Live Radio Show...

Ironically, I am of a mind to defend Dr Jeanette Findlay, the head of the Celtic Supporters Trust, whose comments about Reid and about political chants among the Celtic support suddenly cast her into infamy last week. While I disagree with Dr Findlay on both issues, it seems to me she is infinitely more capable than some of her plankton-brained critics who have tried to impale her since her ill-fated dialogue with Nicky Campbell on the BBC on Tuesday. 

Now without wishing to engage in a tit for tat discussion, or “they are worse than us” it just me  or is the very epitome of sectarianism not the taking of a life because a person happens to be a of a different religious persuasion to the other ?

However the comments, and indeed actions, of the aforementioned Ms Findlay are worthy of further exploration. Ms Findlay believes that the exercising of free speech and dissent  should be allowed to take place anywhere...including a football ground..which was evidenced by the Celtic Trust's response to the now infamous Green Brigade Poppy Banner.

Of course it seems to matter little to Ms Findlay that such conduct and actions are contrary to Article 11.2 of UEFA regulations...

Article 11.2 of UEFA’s disciplinary regulations allows for disciplinary measures to be taken against clubs if there are instances of “inappropriate behaviour on the part of their supporters”.
Specifically, the rule says action can be taken in the event of “the use of gestures, words, objects or any other means to transmit any message that is not fit for a sports event, in particular if it is of a political, offensive or provocative nature.”
And despite seeking to defend singing which glorifies terrorist organisations which have carried out sectarian murders of men, women and children, Ms Findlay is brass necked enough to suggest others should be ashamed of themselves....

These few examples offer us a mindset into a section of the Celtic support. A mindset which appears to think they are above the law in how they conduct themselves, and creates a world which justifies sectarian behaviour or flouting of the law.  As UEFA continues to punish Celtic for the actions of their supporters behaviour as they act and behave in such a mindset, those in charge at Celtic FC are now in a state of panic attempting to minimise the damage. Despite some supporters pledge to “F*** UEFA”... the shoe appears to be, most definitely, on the other foot.

But perhaps the greatest episode in this farce came at the recent Old Firm game as thousands of Rangers fans left the stadium,  a large section of the home support  chanted “Go Home ya H***”

And here was me thinking the Scottish Government and the Police had pledged “zero tolerance” when it came to combating sectarianism.

But to add insult to injury Assistant Chief Constable Campbell Corrigan, Strathclyde Police post match comments said:

"There were no reports of sectarian singing recorded by police and I would like to thank both sets of fans for their continuing commitment to reducing this type of behaviour".

In that case there should be a considerable section of Strathclyde Police Officers referred to their Occupational Health Dept. for a hearing test immediately.

But on a more serious note and given those post match comments why did the Police take no action regarding this singing ? And have such post match comments given licence to the use of the term “h**” despite its condemnation and definition on the Nil By Mouth website ?

Note I said “perhaps”regarding the greatest episode in this farce. 

Because as the SNP Government and the Police continue to lecture us and prioritise Policing on “Scotland's Secret Shame” figures this week reveal that in some areas of our country 30% of children are living in poverty.

Let me ask you whose shame is it that our politicians, media and police are focussing on a problem which Scotland's leading academic Prof Steve Bruce describes as follows..

This is what I mean by a social myth. How do we explain it? A large part of the answer is that opinion-leaders such as politicians and the mass media believe that sectarianism is a major problem and that belief distorts their perceptions. 

While as many as 1 in 3 children in some areas of Scotland are living in poverty ?