Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Alex Thomson Channel 4 News. Exposed.

The following article was written after I became privy to an exchange of e-mails involving Channel 4 Presenter/Chief Correspondent Alex Thomson. 

Those who read my articles regularly will know that I am not prone to sensationalist claims and that I normally restrict my commentaries to matters which are very much in the public domain and which therefore can be substantiated. I have, on this occasion decided to deviate from the norm, and use material which is not in the public domain. I can assure you however, that these e-mails and the content I will refer to in this article, exist and can be accessed and substantiated if required.

Notwithstanding the fact the revelations I am about to make probably describe a course of conduct which is probably criminal, I'm reminded of the fact that at present, there is a government enquiry ongoing, whose remit is to examine the behaviour and conduct of journalists. All the more reason therefore for my deviation from the norm.

The background to this story has it's birth in the blog by Thomson “Threats and Silence – The intimidation by Rangers fans”. The content of that blog as we are all aware was a source of anger for many. It contained material which was false, inaccurate and of course drew criticism from not only Rangers supporters, but also Thomson's own peers in the media – Tom English who described it as “hysterical, attention-seeking nonsense” .

Of course if nothing else the rise of social networking via the likes of facebook and twitter, and the direct access which e-mails provide, has made the once untouchables, very touchable in respect of readers feedback. It was in such a exchange of e-mails with a Rangers supporter challenging the veracity of the content of Thomson's blog that he made a series of startling revelations.

Alex Thomson has made a number of allegations via various media outlets. In particular that he was threatened by a Glasgow based journalist, a claim he has made many times. The latter of course was subject of a formal complaint to the Police and that agency was of course then duty bound to investigate that complaint. This is however how Thomson describes this incident in the e-mails. Everything is reproduced verbatim – including his typing errors.

All fine then because the Sun says so.

All fine because the police say so.

Dear oh dear we don't like to question things do we?

And yes, I knew full well that was a spoof account because I'd been told. By using it I wanted to achieved two things:

1. I suspected the two Glasgow journalists would immediately play down the issue of intimidation. They did thus exposing the problem.

They did.

2. I strongly suspected it would embolden David Leggat into behaving even more stupidly by issuing more threats convinced I'd been duped.

He did.

Knowing full well that the threat had been made from a spoof account, Thomson wasted the time and resources of the Police as part of, what he claims was an elaborate ploy to “expose” some kind of sinister web of intimidation. If it wasn't so serious it would be funny.

Notwithstanding what Strathclyde Police think about having their time wasted as part of Thomson's “elaborate trap” one wonders what the other journalists in Scotland think about what Thomson alleges. In fact he seems to think they are part of a wider problem of denial.

No wider problem? Consider then Tom English, senior sportswrite Scotland on Sunday dismissing all this as "cyber-stick" "hysterical" and "attention-seeking".

Tom has at least seen fit to clarify his remarks though not apologise.

Like him you epitomise a toxic culture in genuine denial.

In doing this of course, he calls into question both their journalistic integrity and honesty. Strange from a man who himself has not been entirely honest when he has spoken on air or to the forces of law and order regarding the threat to himself.

Perhaps the biggest irony in all of this are those who not so long ago were accusing Rangers of “robbing Scotland of essential services by not paying the tax man” have suddenly become silent in criticising an individual who deprived the people of Glasgow of their services of law and order whilst they investigated a spurious complaint, a complaint which was lodged, not through fear but  to serve Thomson's own purpose.

Tom English's very public put down seems to have irritated Mr Thomson. He continues...

English isn't getting journos speaking to him. E hasn't talked to the cops. English doesn't know or care what happened at the Sun. English hasn't seen the crime reports. Or spent time with Hutton. Or seen the nuj list.

Because they don't care.

Perhaps Mr Thomson, Tom English has not spoken to the the Police because he has far more respect for them than to waste their time serving his own self-seeking agenda. I think I can echo the wishes of many Rangers supporters when I say I'd love to read the crime report which outlines your complaint, the investigation and the subsequent conclusions from Strathclyde Police which resulted in no action being taken against anyone.

As a famous Irish comedian used to say “There's more”. But I'm aware that I have already taken up considerable space and much of your reading time.

The Leveson Enquiry seeks to examine the culture, ethics and practices of the media.

Perhaps they should extend an invitation to Channel 4 News.

Sunday, 14 October 2012

The "Antagonista"

Several years ago I wrote about the demonisation of Rangers supporters in a series of articles using Allports Scale of Prejudice to demonstrate my point. Many who disagreed with me back then have now acknowledged that I and the other Rangers bloggers who warned of this, were pretty much bang on the money.

I remind you of this, not to take any plaudits or credits, but to alert you and warn you of an escalation in the process.

Remarkably there still seems to be a misconception amongst some that hateful propaganda should be completely ignored, that reasonably minded people should rise above it. Have they ever stopped to consider that there were reasonably minded people in Germany in the 1930’s who didn’t buy into the Nazi propaganda machine but who found they were powerless to stop what they had ignored for too long ?

Stop and take some time to reflect Scotland on just where we are.

Case in point - The propaganda machine has been responsible for the Scottish government forcing through legislation to deal with “Scotland’s Secret Shame” – sectarianism. The academics, with their accredited research say otherwise. The statistics say otherwise. But we have bowed to the propaganda machine. If anyone from the Scottish government would care to disagree, please feel free to contact me with the statistics which show otherwise, and please don’t forget to provide me with a dissertation which counters or rebukes Prof Steve Bruce’s many years of academic research on the subject.

I use the above, not as a political rant about the Scottish government, but to demonstrate how far we have already gone down the road of bowing to the propaganda machine, and how that machine has the capability to impact and affect intelligent and reasonably minded people.

Ranger’s supporters will be well aware of some of the propaganda websites whose purpose is solely to stir up hatred and angst towards our club. The individuals they feed do not care about the questionable character or morals of the authors, it does not matter so long as they continue to bash and demonise Rangers or their support. I referred to some of them in my last article.

Alex Thomson ‘s recent blog offering concerning alleged intimidation by Rangers fans was described by Tom English at the Scotsman as little more than “hysterical, attention seeking nonsense” Nope it was far more than that Tom, it was a 3 course gourmet feast for those who despise Rangers and their support.

It matters not that it was inaccurate and erroneous. Nor that the credibility of the author has been considerably tarnished with allegations which the Police investigated and dismissed. It’s feeding the hunger of those who hate Rangers and demand that hunger be satisfied.

Therefore it came as no surprise to me that Phil Mac Giolla Bhain was quick to hold up Thomson’s blog offering as some kind of corroboration which justifies his hatred. For that hatred shines through Mac Giolla Bhain’s latest offering, an offering which sees a marked escalation in the demonisation of the Rangers support, and  which sees a concerted effort by him to link or equate the Rangers support with the most repugnant sections of  history and society. “Herrenvolk” – a reference to the German master race. “Fascist  underclass” and “klan” leave little to the imagination.

Of course that is not the only connection between these antagonista. ( This is a term I have coined for those who deliberately set out to feed the haters with one sided or biased articles, and which lack objectivity, obscure facts and seek to demonise the Rangers support) Who write or tweet with the deliberate intention of provoking , baiting or antagonising the Rangers support. Too far fetched ?

Not according to Gordon Waddell, who revealed recently on Radio Scotland that Graham Spiers was putting out tweets with the sole intention of winding supporters up. It may surprise many of you to know that Spiers is responsible for one of my most favourite journalistic articles. His tribute to his late father was moving, personal and resonant, it will have touched those who have lost a father on so many levels.

Do you think Mr Spiers your late father would be proud of you knowing you are devoting your intellect, education and energy to bait and provoke a group of people who are concerned about their club and the shoddy treatment they are receiving ? That it serves as nothing more than a source of amusement to you ?

I think you and I know the answer to that one Graham.

But back to the connection. Having written, tweeted, baited, provoked and antagonised the antagonista go running to the Police when the bait on their hook is nibbled. They expect, no actually they demand, that the ever decreasing services of the Police be used up hunting down those they have deliberately provoked and baited with their lies and inaccurate reporting. Quite simply they are every bit as morally repugnant as the bampots who respond to their antagonism with threats of violence.

Perhaps next time they seek to waste the time of our forces of law and order, those forces should inform them that not only will they investigate the threats, but they will also examine the article which gave rise to the incident to see if falls under the umbrella of conduct likely to provoke a breach of the peace.

Those who have studied prejudice suggest that those demonised normally respond to it in 2 ways. They either “acquiesce” – they consent passively/accept it reluctantly submit to it. Or of course they fight back with all they can.

We are Rangers. Not only do we not do walking away, we don’t do acquiescing either.

Thursday, 11 October 2012

One Scotland - Zero Moral Bearings

“The moral compass of any nation can be judged, not just by the conduct and character of the accused, but the conduct and character of the accusers”


I despair. I truly despair. I feel powerless. Is no-one else seeing this ?  Is no-one else feeling this ?  Has our country become a nation where our opinion leaders, our politicians, our journalists have become afraid to speak out and reset a moral compass which is spinning out of control ? 

Let me re-phrase that – spinning dangerously out of control.

For I’m not alone in the feelings I’m experiencing. Anger, indignation, resentment, but most of all…… a complete lack of representation. Its ironic to think now that not so long ago 2 bears were ejected from Ibrox for displaying a banner “One Scotland – many cultures – except Rangers”  I don’t know about you but that’s certainly an accurate reflection of how I feel today.

The most fundamental of human rights – innocent until proven guilty – have been totally discarded where Rangers are concerned. It’s a sign of the times that its only recently that some journalists such as Traynor and Hannah broke cover to reveal they had seen the contents of a document which declared Rangers “guilty” without charge or trial. That in itself tells its own story.

But months ago I listened to Brian Taylor’s  Big Debate on BBC Scotland where the terms “dual contracts” “financial doping” and “cheats” were thrown about without censure in a debate about our club. Not once did Taylor, the facilitator, step in to remind the audience and the panel, that such allegations were as yet, unproven.

But of course the scene has already been set. Which appropriately, brings us back to my opening quotation.

Just who are the accusers of Rangers and how does their character and conduct stand up to the type of forensic examination being carried out in respect of our club ?

Let’s start with Phil Mac Giollbhain…also known  Phil Gillvan…also known as Phil McGillvan. A man who seems to have great difficulty not only remembering his surname, but also the age of his daughter, how many brothers and sisters he has, the licensed premises he frequents and also his occupation. 3 names will speak about a lot of things – surprising then that he never seems to mention his employment as a social worker in Glasgow and the reasons why he no longer holds such a position.


Not for the first time, I find myself indebted to Vanguard Bears and their research.

Of course recently, the Sun newspaper were going to run serialise 3 names blog in their newspaper until an upswell of anger caused a change of direction. 3 names was accused by the newspaper of being “tarred with a sickening sectarian brush”. Its probably one of the few times in recent years that said newspaper had actually been accurate in its reporting.
I think for those of us who still aspire to some kind of moral compass the description of 3 names as a “tactical bigot” by a Southern Irish journalist probably carries a lot more weight and authority than a tabloid who sought to feed the bloodfest of hate against  Rangers by serialising his book.

But a theme is developing here. For its not only the Sun which seeks to feed that bloodfest. The editor of the Daily Record, Alan Rennie, has been begging the authors of The Rangers Tax case blog to contribute to the opinion forming columns of their publication. If anyone has any doubts please feel free to check the aforesaid Rennie’s tweets.

There has of course been considerable speculation, let alone evidence, that one of the Rangers Tax case authors is none other than Paul McConville. A quick search of google will acquaint you with both the conduct and character of Paul McConville.

In fact I wonder if the terms of his supervision order extend to his blog “Random Thoughts re Scots Law”. It seems Mr McConville has as much difficulty with the term “random” as he does with the term “justice for miners”. 291 articles about Rangers, 109 about Charles Green as well as numerous other “random thoughts” concerning our club and its employees. 

Its perhaps remarkable that a man who started a blog because his wife was sick to death of his waffle on legal matters, can attribute hundreds of random thoughts to Rangers FC and yet only one, (yes one) to the legal minefield which is Mr Abdelbaset Al-Megrahi, the Lockerbie bomber whose conviction and subsequent release on compassionate grounds led to something of a diplomatic fall out with our closest ally.

It is worth asking the question why 2 of Scotland’s biggest selling tabloids sought to bring on board persons whose integrity, character and conduct is quite clearly flawed. Or does that not matter if they are bashing Rangers ?

But I’m not finished yet. In fact I’ve barely started.

But I will conclude this article with another of our accusers who have been something of a critical thorn in the side of our club for a long time – the BBC.  A publicly funded company whose conduct in the last few months has seen them banned from Ibrox due to a tasteless depiction of Ally McCoist falling to his death. A sketch which the Samaritans took time to criticise. And yet the BBC were unapologetic.

It came as no surprise to me. They were also unapologetic at the time of the Andrew Gilligan affair. When the Hutton report was published it showed considerable failings within the BBC ). So much so their director general Greg Dyke resigned.

Many years on the failings and arrogance of this organisation have come home to roost. The revelations surrounding Jimmy Saville have shocked a nation. Perhaps the failings of the BBC have shocked the nation even more. For those BBC apologists who are saying it was a long time ago and the culture etc was different blah blah blah….tell me then why did the BBC cancel a Newsnight documentary last year which sought to expose this perverts’s conduct ?

I hope this latest revelation will be the final nail in the coffin for this organisation. Its time they were relieved of the right to demand a licence fee, I hope the next government review remembers both their character and conduct.

For a Scotland whose moral compass seems to be in turmoil I will leave you with an observation and reflection from Freud.

“A civilization which leaves so large a number of its participants unsatisfied and drives them into revolt neither has nor deserves the prospect of a lasting existence.”

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Scotland.....Brace Yourself

Imagine, just for a moment, the investigation into Rangers use of EBT's and the allegation of side payments, was not being undertaken by legal firm Harper MacLeod. Let us instead imagine that such investigation is being undertaken by a legal firm with a long standing favourable connection to Rangers.

Imagine further this legal firm saw fit to use the Rangers chief executive, and his personal testimony, to enhance the reputation of that company on their website.

I ask you to extend your imagination further to include a revelation that one of the partners undertaking the investigation had actually written the SFA articles and regulations, an alleged breach of which, was subject of that very investigation.

And then it was revealed that this said partner had stood up at a meeting in frustration and shouted at the other SPL members present that Rangers were innocent.

Furthermore that the list of sanctions or punishments being considered should Rangers be found guilty, were far less severe and less punitive than anything handed out to clubs before.

But now let your imagination run riot. With a revelation that the authorities undertaking this investigation had already declared Rangers not guilty without even charge or hearing.

And now the last bit of imagination. Can you imagine what the reaction would be to the foregoing ?

Let me help.

“Whitewash”. “Cover Up”. “Corrupt” “Conflict of Interests”.

And quite rightly too.

And yet, with a slight alteration to the characters, but not of course the facts, this is exactly the scenario faced by Rangers FC and their supporters.

It may come as a surprise to those outwith the Rangers support, that within our support there is a considerable desire and determination to see the truth come out. Rangers supporters, more than anyone else, want to know if one of our former owner's embarked on a course of action which showed utter disregard for the laws of the land, the laws of our game and the reputation of our club. The consequences which of course made our club virtually unsaleable, except to an individual whose stewardship brought it to its knees.

The problem is that the SPL hearing process is now so flawed its not only the Rangers support who have no confidence in it, but the club themselves who have refused to participate in the process. The smart money is on any result of Lord Nimmo's panel being challenged by Rangers via the courts of our land. I have little faith in this course of action furnishing us with the truth either however.

Once the Rangers legal team present the facts surrounding this whole investigation, I am of the firm opinion this will become a feeding frenzy for the press, but the spotlight will not be on our club but the many legal irregularities and questionable actions and conduct of the SFA and SPL throughout this process.

James Traynor's revelations this week have not helped matters either. His comments this week appear to suggest there were a whole host of payments to players in Scotland in “creative schemes” designed to avoid paying tax. All legal of course, but they appear not to have been declared to the Scottish Football Authorities as payments – the same charge levied against Rangers.

Rangers fans are seeking the truth, alas, it may be a long time coming. But we are also seeking justice. Equality before the law is a fundamental principle of both Scottish and European Law. If as Traynor alleges there are other instances of non-declared payments to players then the SFA and SPL are duty bound to investigate.

My fellow blogger Bill McMurdo recently described this scenario as being akin to the opening of Pandora's Box. Of course once Pandora opened the box there was no going back and despite her efforts to shut it, all manner of disease and pestilence had been released.

On closing it again the only thing Pandora managed to retain in the box was hope.

But Rangers fans will not hope the governing football authorities in Scotland administer justice with a full and thorough investigation into all undeclared payments to players.

We will demand it. And we will not stop demanding until we get it.

Scotland brace yourself.... a hurricane is coming.