Friday, 22 March 2013

An "internet bampot" responds

We were the target of the Scottish Press with our far fetched theories and agendas. Dismissed out of sight as little more than “internet bampots”. Of course such dismissal was often based not on the often well researched evidence which had been collated, but more on the accusations we levelled. I remember in particular one article about BBC Scotland which received particular criticism from many quarters, sadly many on Rangers forums, when I alleged Pacific Quay had a particular anti-Rangers sentiment running through it. Unthinkable for most back then. Who within the Rangers community would argue with that now ?

And what of my fellow internet bampots with their conspiracy theories, agendas suggesting dark and sinister forces at work in our country brought together with a common purpose by some Opus Dei like controlling force – could be straight out of a Dan Brown novel. Unthinkable ?

Well we have the aforesaid BBC Scotland receiving stolen evidence, publishing it online and making award winning documentaries. I doubt there would be many within the Rangers community who would view their coverage of our club as fair, balanced and objective. Their language in reporting, their choice of words, the manner of their presentation, leaves little to the imagination as to the motivation behind the foregoing. Nor their hatred of our club.

Now in my internet bampot mode I have long campaigned that the Rangers Tax Case Leaks came from within HMRC themselves – a fact dismissed (though not denied – very clever) from HMRC themselves. We all know the drill after hundreds of letters “HMRC do not comment on speculation about breaches of confidentiality.”

But in the clamour to destroy our club the SPL cabal made one of their biggest ever mistakes with their SPL Commission. And this is where it became interesting. For not only did the learned Lord Nimmo's commission review the evidence, I believe they detected a considerable rat at work.

[98] Meanwhile, BBC Scotland came, by unknown means, into possession of what they described as “dozens of secret emails, letters and documents”, which we understand were the productions before the Tax Tribunal. These formed the basis of a programme entitled “Rangers – The Men Who Sold the Jerseys”, which was broadcast on 23 May 2012. BBC Scotland also published copious material on its website. The published material included a table containing the names of Rangers players, coaches and staff who were beneficiaries of the MGMRT, and how much they received through that trust. It also listed the names of people where the BBC had seen evidence that they received side-letters. This event appears to have been the trigger for more activity in response to the SPL’s request.

We will discuss this further in due course but just for the moment lets look at the use of the word trigger in that statement. Its is used to describe a catalyst, a reaction to more activity. Which tends to suggest that the documentary and information presented by the good old fair, balanced and neutral BBC Scotland has been anything but fair, balanced and neutral. Particularly in light of the findings of a 1st tier tax tribunal and an SPL commission.

And what of the reference to “productions”. If they are productions then they must be evidence, and there is only one organisation which seized evidence in the Rangers Tax Case – the same organisation, who funnily enough, do not comment on speculation about breaches of confidentiality.

Which is likely to make my blog particularly interesting over the next few weeks for a number of reasons. You see I asked the Right Honourable David Gauke to confirm for me that HMRC had reported the theft of this evidence to the Police. But David Gauke MP declined to answer, instead he passed me to HMRC Ministerial Correspondence Unit who sent me a long winded letter which avoided answering my question. Needless to say I have requested confirmation from them as to my original question. In the meantime my enquiries with Strathclyde Police confirmed that they are currently undertaking a criminal enquiry with regard to the leaking of evidence – Rangers Tax Case.

It coins a new saying – Hell hath no fury like a Rangers shareholder scorned.

One wonders if HMRC will answer my latest enquiry with a refusal to comment on “speculation” about breaches of confidentiality when Strathclyde Police are busy running a major investigation into such leaks ! Oh dear – someone somewhere has a lot of answers to give the Rangers support and I'm sure I will not be the only one demanding them.

But perhaps the dark and sinister forces at work made a considerable mistake last weekend when they temporarily broke cover, Amazing how many legal rights lawyers, top QC's just happened to be in the Gallowgate last weekend on the occasion of an illegal march. Amazing how many politicians were suddenly lobbying Kenny MacAskill about “heavy handed policing” so much so that the Justice Minister was forced to make a statement. In fact it reminded of another situation at Berwick a few weeks ago involving the Rangers support which I described as “almost contrived”

And now today remarkably, we have the Assistant Chief Constable Bernard Higgins forced to write a letter to The Herald defending their position despite the fact it was an unlawful protest.

Dark and sinister forces at work within our society ?

Unthinkable ?

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

HMRC & The Ticking Clock

“We do not comment on speculation about breaches of confidentiality”

I'm sure many of us who have written to this organisation are familiar with this statement. In fact I'm willing to bet that thousands of Bears across the world have letters with the aforesaid phrase included. My advice – keep them, you may find a need for them in the future.

I asked HMRC a different question. Well actually I asked it of David Gauke MP at the Treasury who, interestingly, rather than answer the question, referred me to the Ministerial Unit at HMRC. The question I asked, as some of you will be remember was “Did HMRC report report the leaks relative to the Rangers Tax Case to the Police ?”

I receive a long winded response which failed to answer the question. In other words waffle. I have sent another letter asking for confirmation.

You see HMRC have a problem. A problem which increased in magnitude following the Nimmo Report, where the learned Lord Nimmo commented in [98] :-

Meanwhile, BBC Scotland came, by unknown means, into possession of what they described as “dozens of secret emails, letters and documents”, which we understand were the productions before the Tax Tribunal.

Now allow me to elaborate. The term “productions” is a legal description for evidence i.e. the murder weapon in a murder case would be a “production”. What Lord Nimmo is referring to is the various documents etc. which were seized during the HMRC investigation into Rangers and which were evidence or as Lord Nimmo  refers to – productions -  in the BTC. Now in any criminal or civil case for that matter where there are copious amounts of productions the investigative body will keep what is known as a Production Register. This carefully catalogue every single evidential item and assign it a Production Number for easy cross referencing at a later date.

Therefore when the Rangers Tax Case Blog was proudly revealing yet another “exclusive” which some in the journalistic community were moved to describe as “sourced from within HMRC” it would have been a simple matter for someone at HMRC to review the document on the Rangers Tax Case Blog and then compare it to their own Production Register. If any of that documentation matched then that should have set alarms bell ringing (actually booming) within HMRC.  So did they ?

If they haven't then they have failed to take all reasonable steps to protect confidentiality, furthermore they have failed to take all reasonable steps to protect evidence which they have seized, and I would respectfully suggest that given  they are bound by the Official Secrets Act, they have failed, not only to investigate, but report a crime which is rightfully viewed as grave in this country.

But let me give HMRC the benefit of the doubt for a moment. Let us suppose they did cross reference the exclusives on the Rangers Tax Case Blog with their own Productions Register and found that they matched. What action did they take ?

 Did they instigate an internal enquiry ?

In fact were they qualified or equipped to undertake such enquiry.

Given that such leaks constitute serious criminality did they report this to the Police ?

It is perhaps significant that following the result of the FTTT Sir David Murray, through his legal representatives, wrote to Crown Office, asking for a criminal enquiry to be launched into the leaks. This suggests that no such enquiry was currently underway and that HMRC had not reported the leaks to the Police.

Of course the Police have different powers and tools for investigation than HMRC. The Police have DNA/Fingerprinting, the power to search homes, seize computers demand ISP addresses as well as many other investigative tools and powers which are not available to HMRC.

The spotlight is now firmly focussed on whether HMRC took all reasonable steps to protect the confidentiality and security of the evidence it had seized.  That spotlight will not be turned off until every Rangers fan has answers to the question posed in this article.

Tick Tock.

Sunday, 3 March 2013

Scotland the Depraved

Hark when the night is falling
Hear, Hear the pipes are calling.

The problem is Scotland is not hearing. It has not been hearing for some time, and it continues to turn a deaf ear to the truth.

Quite simply - Scotland can't handle the truth

For several months now it has vented it's hatred on a football club and sought to justify that hatred with accusations of “cheating” “financial doping”,  in fact if you believed everything which had been written in these last few months, soldiers on front line service have been deprived vital equipment, children essential textbooks, all because of a certain football club.

Two very high profile commissions have ruled on these allegations. Men of considerable knowledge and expertise in their relevant fields, and have dismissed various claims from tax evasion to cheating, to gaining an unfair sporting advantage. Its there in these learned men's published findings but still Scotland cannot accept the truth.

Scotland would rather form it's opinion on the commentary of a now defunct web blog, which operated a very one sided perspective, based on stolen evidence it had received. Or on the “expert” opinion of a disgraced lawyer who is not allowed to practise law without some degree of supervision. The credibility or accuracy of the aforementioned doesn't matter – they say what Scotland wants to hear, even if the song they play is at odds with the truth. Its no longer a search for the truth, because the truth has been published. – its a search to justify their hatred of Rangers FC.

You get an understanding of the depth of such hatred, and how deep it runs when newspaper executives comment on the result of the tax tribunal as follows : “Its a fu**** government conspiracy”

But there is considerable truths which the published findings do not address and allow me to highlight some of them.

Scotland's  football authorities usurped the fundamental principle of a presumption of innocence, both declaring and treating a football club as guilty before hearing, and tried to strip it of it's fairly won titles and trophies. If in any doubt please refer to the 5 way agreement. The men responsible remain in charge of the governance of our national sport.

Those same men decided to impose a transfer embargo on Rangers FC which a court ruled as unlawful and out with the scope of punishments available.  That embargo has been imposed as a result of blackmail by those charged with governance of our game.

A legal firm whose neutrality was always questioned, have relentlessly pursued an investigation into Rangers FC. Rumours that one of their representatives commented to Rangers officials during the investigation “You bastards have been cheating us for years” did little to assuage any fears regarding objectivity. It will be interesting to see what the final bill is for what was described as “low level intelligence gathering”

Richard Wilson in today's Herald on Sunday touches on the subject..

That was a prejudicial and misguided decision, and the commission's verdict calls much else into question. Rod McKenzie, the Harper McLeod lawyer who presented the case against Rangers, had to accept during the hearing there was a different interpretation to SPL rules than his own.

But the aforementioned pale into insignificance when we consider [98] of Lord Nimmo's findings, perhaps I should remind you all what that was, as it appears to be something our press and media are reluctant to discuss it. They would rather pour over the fine print with their apparently newly acquired ”legal expertise.”

[98] Meanwhile, BBC Scotland came, by unknown means, into possession of what they described as “dozens of secret emails, letters and documents”, which we understand were the productions before the Tax Tribunal. These formed the basis of a programme entitled “Rangers – The Men Who Sold the Jerseys”, which was broadcast on 23 May 2012. BBC Scotland also published copious material on its website. The published material included a table containing the names of Rangers players, coaches and staff who were beneficiaries of the MGMRT, and how much they received through that trust. It also listed the names of people where the BBC had seen evidence that they received side-letters. This event appears to have been the trigger for more activity in response to the SPL’s request.

Despite this observation from Lord Nimmo, its apparently ridiculous for any Rangers fan to utter the terms “agenda” or “witch-hunt”. Of course it's entirely possible that the stork baby's gps was defective and she flew right into the HMRC evidence cabinet, opening same in the process, collected a bundle of documentary evidence items, (which she had clearly mistaken for a new born baby), continued on her journey but alas dropped the bundle over Pacific Quay right into BBC Headquarters. Just a bad day at the office for the stork baby ?

After all if there was no agenda why on earth would anyone break into an evidence cabinet, steal documentary evidence and then pass it on to a media organisation ? Why would that media organisation then make a documentary ( for it's objectivity and neutrality note Lord Nimmo's use of the word “trigger”) using that stolen evidence before the relative hearing ?

But let me put to rest once and for all this much muted notion that Rangers fans should forgive, forget and move on. Even if we were willing to do so it would be  a pointless exercise and allow me to explain why.

Because our capacity for forgiveness is easily outstripped by the depth and depravity of Scotland's hatred of Rangers.

Friday, 1 March 2013

3 Journos & not a Cluedo between them

It was funny last night watching the mercurial Graham Spiers attempting to minimise the sins of Doncaster and Regan by suggesting the pair had “bodged” things. No actually Graham, they suppressed the fundamental right of innocence until proven guilty, resorted to bullying and intimidation of SFL Chairmen (one even accused them of corruption), indulged in a spot of blackmail, and even defied the courts of the land by imposing a transfer embargo which had been declared unlawful (even with their advantage of making up the rules as they go along) Now Graham I knew you were stupid – I just didn't realise you were THAT stupid.

But overall, despite a stellar performance from Chris Graham, last evenings Tonight programme was a huge disappointment. You see I had tuned in hoping to see something of a “Whodunnit ?”, something along the lines of...  Rev Green in the ballroom with the candlestick.  After all, with three great journalistic sleuths in Thomson, Spiers and English we had an investigative trio capable of giving Enid Blyton's Fabulous Four a run for their money.

And the source of the mystery ?

[98] Meanwhile, BBC Scotland came, by unknown means, into possession of what they described as “dozens of secret emails, letters and documents”, which we understand were the productions before the Tax Tribunal. These formed the basis of a programme entitled “Rangers – The Men Who Sold the Jerseys”, which was broadcast on 23 May 2012. BBC Scotland also published copious material on its website. The published material included a table containing the names of Rangers players, coaches and staff who were beneficiaries of the MGMRT, and how much they received through that trust. It also listed the names of people where the BBC had seen evidence that they received side-letters. This event appears to have been the trigger for more activity in response to the SPL’s request
This little gem appeared in Lord Nimmo's report, and what particularly delighted me about it was the thought of a considerable number of  arses collapsing as they read it. Furthermore it made Spiery's hissy fit at Chris Graham for use of the a word (agenda) all the more strange, as Spiers himself had tweeted about it earlier in the evening.

“Fascinating, too, that Nimmo Smith makes clear distinction between his and Big Tax Case, and also references the BBC quite a bit. #rangers “

Let me spell it out for Mr Spiers.  Colonel Mustard or Rev Green or a Miss Scarlett, has made their  way, furtively, into the the evidence store and removed  productions from the evidence cabinet. They have then copied (or perhaps passed originals) to the BBC who used the stolen or copied evidence in a documentary. This documentary was then presented in such a way that it appears to have been some kind of “trigger”.

I have a thousand questions but let me just start off with three.

(1) Who broke into the evidence cabinet ?

(2) Whose evidence cabinet was it ?

(3) Is it appropriate that a public broadcasting organisation not only receives stolen evidence, but actively uses it in a documentary which is presented before the relative hearing ?

Monday, 25 February 2013

An utterly shameful Saturday

“Watershed” was a term coined to describe the aftermath of events at Berwick. I would have to agree completely. I never thought I would live to see the day that the son of the manse offered a more resolute defence of the Rangers support than some of our own.

But I did. On Saturday night sportsound he highlighted the fact that the Rangers support have made considerable strides forward in recent times, as opposed to the Celtic support who appear, to have taken backward steps.

Reading some of the comments on various forums on Saturday night, one could be forgiven for thinking our club had been hi-jacked by some ultra right wing group of right wing Protestant uber zealots determined to use our club as a platform for their political and religious beliefs. But let me put your minds at rest – I'm assured there are no plans for Rangers to take the field with an image of John Knox replacing our famous RFC badge.

Between descriptions such as “knuckledraggers” and “sectarian bigots” appeared to be an element of surprise and investigation as to why a song so long forgotten in our repertoire had suddenly reared it's somewhat ugly head. Might I offer an alternative explanation as to what transpired on Saturday. Rather than our club being held hostage by some fanatical religious group, might I suggest that perhaps a group of misguided young lads decided to sing a song that they thought would be amusingly reflective of the current vacancy in Vatican city.

Of course it wasn't amusing nor particularly clever but what cannot be denied was it caused something of a watershed moment within our support. I have to say that after reading and listening to some comments on Saturday night I had some pangs of jealousy. I wish I had led such a clean, sin free life, unaffected by the stupidity or misjudgement of youth as some appear to have led.

As a young marine I remember being described as a “wild un”. Fortunately whenever that wild nature surfaced and resulted in some incredibly stupid actions, there was always a nurturing, guiding hand on my shoulder gently rebuking, re-directing and setting me back onto the straight and narrow, On my wall at home is a medal plaque filled with decorations and campaign medals. It serves not as boast of reckless courage, but as a testimony to those who saw through the recklessness, the stupidity and exercised a considerable degree of faith and belief in me and what I could become. Had such nurturing in the aftermath of such stupidity, been characterised instead however, by public vilification, condemnation and humiliation, I very much doubt there would have been any medal plaque.

But Saturday's events gave birth to considerable myths. One of which force me to indulge in a word I detest. “Whataboutery”. It's easy to dismiss whataboutery. But what should not be forgotten is that when Rangers fans indulge in whataboutery what they are actually defining is a considerable imbalance with in our press and media which has gone on for years. Saturday's irresponsible singing undoubtedly gave the enemies of our club some ammunition for their gun. That is not the real problem however. The real problem is that they find ammunition without irresponsible behaviour by the Rangers support. From false inferences that the bouncy celebrates a sectarian killing to blatant lies recently from McNulty that the Rangers support sang the famine song.

Another myth which has arisen seems to be that we can do nothing about such imbalance or tackling damaging press lies and inaccuracies until “we get our own house in order”. I have one question for the proponents of this theory. Has this stopped Celtic FC ?

I'm firmly of the opinion that the singing on Saturday is little more than a blip, a deviation on a successful course we are currently chartering as a support. If this course was to show a series of continual and regular blips then perhaps there would be some kind of justification for the internal examination which took place on Saturday.

It's perhaps ironic that Saturday's events became the catalyst for considerable theological debate in many Rangers online communities, with some suggesting it's time for our club and support to exorcise whatever lingering spirit of our Protestant heritage remains.

I would disagree. I think events on Saturday night show there is a considerable need for some true Protestant virtues amongst our support – tolerance, forgiveness and nurturing.

Sunday, 24 February 2013

Dear Chief Constable..

The Chief Constable
Strathclyde Police Headquarters
173 Pitt Street
G2 4JS

Dear Mr Corrigan,

I write to you in my capacity as a former shareholder of Rangers FC, the company of course fell into liquidation in 2012. During the lead up to the unfortunate set of events which led to liquidation the company had been offered for sale by the then owner, Sir David Murray. Ongoing at the time was an investigation by Her Majesty's Revenue & Customs (HMRC) into the use of Employment Benefit Trusts by the company.

During this period a web blog named the Rangers Tax Case appeared on the internet. This website made a series of frequent and consistent revelations with regard to documents pertaining to this investigation, causing the few journalists who viewed same to claim they were “sourced from within HMRC”. Furthermore in addition to the presentation of these confidential documents on the internet were a series of commentaries by the authors of that blog, which were often inaccurate and erroneous, designed to give a misrepresentation of both the integrity and standing of the company. As a consequence of this the company became almost unsaleable with confidence in it's integrity and management seriously undermined.

I understand from press releases that Sir David Murray' aforesaid, following the result of a first tier tax tribunal has instructed his legal representatives, Levy McRae to write to Crown Office asking for an investigation into the leaking of such confidential information.

To date, despite being an shareholder with a financial interest into such an investigation, I have not received any communication that a criminal enquiry has been launched.

I would therefore be grateful if you could confirm whether such a criminal investigation, is in fact underway.

If it is not then I would like to register a formal complaint into the leaking of confidential information with regard to a company in which I was a shareholder, and I would ask you to, in view of the gravity of the crimes associated with those leaks, in particular the possible leaking of documentary evidence by an investigative body, to cause officers at your disposal to undertake the necessary investigation.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely

Friday, 22 February 2013

Is it time to forgive, forget and move on ?

Some of us remember when the Rangers “Superstore” was a small shop where you could barely swing a cat.

Some of us remember when follow follow meant boarding the Kelvinhaugh Ferry when the subway was being modernised.

Some of us remember the gauntlet of hate we had to run along the Clydeside Express in order to board that ferry in the days before Rangers and Celtic played at home on alternate weeks.

Some of us remember a 16 year old kid ending a 4 year barren spell and sending us into absolute rapture.

Some of us remember when a customised hard builders hat was compulsory wear.

Some us remember when a Coop free kick hit the back of the Aberdeen net with such ferocity that some of us thought he had hit the bar.

Some of us remember exactly where we were when we were told Coop had been taken to play for Heaven's Eleven.

Some of us remember a rollercoaster Sunday, when a helicopter changed direction.

But all of us have a duty to remember what has been done to this club over the last 12 months. Tell your children, and your children's children so that they are prepared for the future.  That they don't make the mistakes we made of relying upon justice, fairness and a respect of due legal process and the judgements of courts to protect our club.

Of expecting there to be moral guardians in the press to uncover and highlight truth, politicians who would sustain and uphold principles, or of football authorities to exercise their duties devoid of fear, favour malice or ill-will.

Ignore out of sight those who urge us to “forgive, forget and move on”.  Treat them and their suggestions with the contempt they deserve, in the same way they ignored the injustices which were wrought upon our club and the utter contempt they showed towards us.

If that means carrying  a heart of darkness, then so be it.

“To tear treasure out of the bowels of the land was their desire, with no more moral purpose at the back of it than there is in burglars breaking into a safe.”

(Joseph Conrad - Heart of Darkness 1902)

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Rangers : The club which will not die


Like a hate filled lynch mob, they descended upon their quarry of Rangers Football Club. Their euphemism of “Sporting Integrity” providing some kind of false moral platform to justify their actions. Euphemisms are terrible things, contrived to disguise the true nature of both mankind's motivations and failings. “Ethnic cleansing” is a perfect example.

The more observant among us saw that their true motivations ranged from bigotry jealousy and several other wrong and distasteful motivators. But if evil is to flourish good men must remain silent, and to their eternal shame they not only obliged, but at times sought to justify and glorify the actions of the hate mob.

The SPL chairmen have duly capitulated. A month ago the proposed SPL vote, due to take place on Wednesday, had a decent chance of saying "yes" to Rangers. Now there is no chance of that. SPL club chairmen up and down the country have been brow-beaten by their own supporters. A voracious, voluble, impassioned type of democracy has won the day.

I witnessed this overflow of feeling in the Grand Hall in Kilmarnock last Thursday night. Michael Johnson, a Kilmarnock chairman who has been the most willing and prominent to hint at saying "yes" to a newco Rangers, received a verbal battering from a throng of fans.

(Graham Spiers, Glasgow Herald, Saturday 30th June 2012)

The lynch mob were convinced that their day had come, and on the back of threats of boycotts, should the more rational in our society not bow to their will, came the verbal assurance that they would back their clubs to the hilt, promising the coming months would be characterised by sell out Saturdays. Their motivations were not driven by a love for their own club but rather their abject hatred of Rangers evidenced by a poll (Source Daily Record) which showed that 55% would rather see their own club die than see Rangers re-elected to the SPL. Someone should have reminded them to be careful what you wish for.

These champions of “Sporting Integrity” appear to struggle with the concept of integrity and honouring your promises.

The prospects for the current year would “continue to be tough”. Derek Weir felt that the club (and other SPL clubs too) had been let down by the fans who had influenced the vote over the summer with the promise of increasing attendances – it hasn’t happened. The club will be asking for use of the Society’s overdraft facility in March.
(Motherwell Football Club AGM 2013)

But we are talking about a country which, contrary to it's claims of being “the best small country in the world”, displays all the characteristics of being the best small minded country in the world. Justice, fairness and proper legal process were trampled over, not only by the lynch mob, but shamefully, also by those whose duty it is to protect us all from lynch mob mentality. A chain of events were set in motion which saw Rangers football club, who subsequently would be exonerated of the accusations against them, consigned to the lowest tier of Scottish football.

In time, and in the future many will blame the lynch mob. But what of the moral guardians of our society who had a duty to protect us from the rabid irrational thought and conduct of lynch mobs. Whose responsibility it was to remind everyone of the founding cornerstones of our society such as a presumption of innocence until proven guilty ? They were, and they continue to be, to their shame, silent. And in this silence is their indictment. An indictment which cites cowardice, neglect of duty and abdication of responsibility. Remind them of this when they come to your door in the future canvassing for your vote or they urge you to buy their newspapers.

The name Alex Mooney will not be known to many. But it should be, for Alex appears to capable of seeing that which so many others chose to ignore. His article in The Rangers Standard – “The Witch-Hunt which shamed Scotland” - is written by someone outside the Rangers community, with no great love for our club. The observations he has made serve to usurp any future claim by those who have shirked their responsibility that they were ignorant or unaware of what was going on. For us as Rangers supporters it serves as a grounding and reminder that we are not viewing what has been committed against our club through blue tinted spectacles, nor as one suggested, suffering from a “persecution complex”


Whenever there is injustice, you can bet your bottom dollar their will be lies. The empty stadia, the fabricated official attendances, the bundle ticket offers (buy two get one free), the failure of sell out Saturdays demonstrate not only the lynch mobs lack of sincerity, but perhaps more significantly the lack of care , concern or commitment for their own football clubs. You have to ask what kind of individual it is who can motivate themselves highly to express their hatred of another football club, but appear lacking when asked to show the same level of commitment towards supporting their own. Furthermore glowing reports of the success of the SPL permeated our ears (“The SPL is booming”) until last week Keith Jackson broke ranks and declared the SPL was dead on it's feet. Not so much boom as bust.

It's now the turn of the SPL, to understand what it feels like to be viewed as toxic. Small wonder as they lurch from crisis to crisis that they have failed to attract a sponsor. If they could see themselves, as others outside Scotland see them, perhaps then they would understand.

Worse was to come however, as the club who so many had condemned, so many had accused, were exonerated by a panel of real tax experts. But there was no outpouring of remorse, no condemnation or examination of the failings which saw the innocent tried, convicted and punished Judge Dread style, by a lynch mob, an incompetent (or as one described them “corrupt”) Football Authority, and a cowardly media.

And there are indications it may get a whole lot worse. As the criminal investigation into the Rangers takeover reaches it's conclusion there have been rumours that the club themselves appear to be the victims of a crime. This will have considerable ramifications both legal and otherwise. Particularly in the east end of Glasgow where some believe they have a monopoly on victim status. Perhaps should it be confirmed that Rangers are the victims of a crime, Celtic will feel moved to write to the Lord Advocate seeking “clarification”.

But perhaps the lack of shame or contrition is best summed up by BBC Scotland and one of their reporters, Jim Spence. “Obsessive” has been a word coined in respect of the Rangers haters, but let me suggest a further addition to the dictionary – Delusional. As my fellow blogger Chris Graham recently reported Jim appeared on the BBC Sportsound Show on the anniversary of our clubs slide into administration where he declared (faster than than you could say BBC Charter) “ Rangers are a new club although Rangers fans will argue the toss on that” . No actually Jim the SFA, UEFA and the very learned Lord Nimmo would argue the toss with you about that, but don't let facts, logic or legal authority stand in the way of your delusion. Which just goes to show – Its not the size of the brain which is important – but how you use it.
(As a side note I found myself driving through Birkhill, a small village on the outskirts of Dundee recently. My attention was drawn to a poseur extraordinaire jogger performing a warm up right at the side of the road, complete in questionable and not very flattering running tights. It was none other than the delusional Jim Spence. I had to pop into the local village pub – the Birkhill Inn – for a shandy after such a shock. But I could not possibly comment on suggestions that Jim's running tights are the subject of considerable mirth in the village and have earned him the nickname “Tiny”)


Sammy rises from the sofa, an improvised bed he has been accustomed to on the eve of match nights. No point in waking up the whole family. A check of the clock reveals its 4.30 am. Two cups of coffee later and with the brain kick started he leaves the house, shutting the front door quietly, for the drive to Larne; where, after meeting up with fellow Bears, he boards the ferry for the 2/3 hour journey to Cairnryan. Then the drive up to Glasgow, perhaps time for a very swift refreshment, and Sammy then heads for his beloved Ibrox. 2 hours later Sammy starts the intrepid journey once more, and if lucky, arrives home round about midnight. Home, tired but deeply satisfied. He has seen the Rangers.

On another weekend, on another continent, a Japanese reporter boards a jet to fly 6000 miles to report on a phenomenon. His destination is Elgin in Scotland. Guys like Sammy are the source of that phenomenon. For Sammy and thousands of others like him are part of a support who will not let their club die. The Japanese reporter never got to see the match of course, it being cancelled as the demand of the blue legions for tickets led to an excess of tickets being printed and sold. Of course for a Japanese reporter spared the mindset of Scottish media, this was a sensational climax to his journey. The ultimate scoop.

The Rangers support are defiant, but it's not defiance which motivates us. It's love and loyalty for a football club. Some, even in our native Scotland appear to be incapable of grasping that fact, or perhaps they just don't want to. You have to wonder if a Japanese reporter can grasp that fact why can't others closer to home ?

The lynch mob operated on a manifesto of hatred, lies and accusation in order to shame Rangers. The Rangers support continues to shame Scottish football by operating on a manifesto of love, loyalty and truth. “We will follow in the footsteps of our team” And we did and will continue to do so. The broken records are no longer the oft repeated euphemism of “Sporting Integrity but are in respect of attendances for a club in SFL 3. That club is Rangers, our club, and the support which is earning world wide recognition and respect is us.

But something else has happened. The Rangers support has become awakened to the hatred vented and generated against our club. Some of us bloggers have been alerting our support to this for years, often without success, but that time has well and truly passed. And long may it be so. Perhaps the spirit and soul of this club, “Ready” was not quite as it should have been when this crisis hit us, and when some seized the opportunity to vilify us, we were not quite as prepared as we should have been. That will not happen again. Their hatred has been exposed, the depths they are prepared to sink to have been revealed. The Rangers support is mobilising, awakening, both spirit and soul have been renewed.

It will be 12 months which will be remembered as the year hatred was allowed to triumph over reason, when the unjustifiable was excused, and a country called Scotland shamed itself.

But it will also be remembered for the phenomenon which is the Rangers support. Rangers are coming, and this time we are “Ready”

Monday, 18 February 2013

Mr Green - we ain't wearing that T-Shirt again

"As a club we are not just ready to move on - we have moved on “

Its not even a week since Charles Green declared these words to a watching world. On the back of a hugely successful shares issue, resting clear at the top of our current league and with a tax tribunal exonerating this club from the shameful, barbed and misguided accusations of many, there was every reason for us to look forward from an annus horribilis.

Central to that upbeat feeling was a spirit of togetherness as well as considerable pride, as the Rangers support became the epitome of loyalty to a football club, the jaw of the world dropped as it witnessed the heroic efforts of the Rangers support, from the purchase of season tickets and exercise  of faith in an unknown chief executive, standing shoulder to shoulder in a determination to follow this club to a selection of grounds which tend to be more narrow than broad. This is the same support whose fervour, faith and desire to see their club resulted in the cancellation of an SFL match due to the over sale of tickets.

With the financial outlook looking secure, a Chief Executive who appears willing to fight for this club and it's support, pledges of prospective security and stability for the future, you could be forgiven for thinking everything is rosy.

But quite clearly it's not.

Today Rangers supporters will be awakening to a press story carried by the Daily Record, of a power struggle within Ibrox. A fairly detailed report with the ubiquitous “source close to the club” claiming that Charles Green has threatened to quit amid an unresolvable rift with Malcolm Murray.

Once again we as a  support are plunged into confusion and not undue concern about events at our club. Are we to return to those dark days of that annus horribilis of trying to ascertain the truth between club statements and contradictory media reports ? Is there any validity to this story or is it merely the latest in a series of attempts to de-stabilise our club ? If its the latter then might I respectfully suggest our Head of Communications follows through on the implications of “Word of advice gentlemen. From now on be very careful when talking or writing about this club”

REMINDER TO THOSE WITHIN IBROX – this support have been here got the T-Shirt and we have absolutely no intention of donning it again.

Friday, 15 February 2013

The Goose, The Gander & The Succulent Lamb

Alex Thomson's latest blog offering about succulent lamb journalism had me, quite literally, aching with laughter. The amusing part for me is that Thomson himself has built and risked his professional reputation in Scotland exclusively around the succulent lamb which is Rangers, gaining either fame or infamy, depending on your perspective,  for a series of blogs concerning Rangers, their support, and, as of his latest blog offering, some of Rangers employees.

His latest offering in fact prompted me to have a look at Alex in the same forensic way which he looks at our club, its support and employees. As some of you may remember several months ago I was made privy to a series of e-mails Alex Thomson exchanged with a Rangers supporter. Given his recent penchant for revealing  the content of private e-mails, I'm sure  Alex would agree that's what's good for the goose is good for the gander.

Alex arrival in Scotland was prompted of course by the incompetence of Scottish journalists who according to him were “too lazy, sycophantic and incapable of asking awkward questions” with regard to Rangers financial affairs.  Which was in itself rather strange as the Rangers support were in something of an uproar over press comments such as “tax cheats”, “financial doping”  with our club being likened in one particular column as something you would gladly punch in the face until your hand hurt.

But according to Alex “Glasgow was different”. The man who had reported from war torn Sarajevo, Mogadishu, Kabul, Islamabad, Tripoli and Baghdad, (Alex apparently could list a few more names but he very kindly didn't want to bore us) suddenly was the victim of an alleged online threat, in former city of culture Glasgow. Alex reported this threat to Strathclyde Police. In actual fact though, Alex was very much ahead of the game and his actions were motivated by a desire to expose the lazy and sycophantic, those incapable of asking awkward questions.

All fine then because the Sun says so.

All fine because the police say so.

Dear oh dear we don't like to question things do we?

And yes, I knew full well that was a spoof account because I'd been told. By using it I wanted to achieved two things:

1. I suspected the two Glasgow journalists would immediately play down the issue of intimidation. They did thus exposing the problem.

They did.

2. I strongly suspected it would embolden David Leggat into behaving even more stupidly by issuing more threats convinced I'd been duped.

He did.

Which begs the question that if he knew it was a spoof account, and I'm reliably informed the person behind the spoof later apologised to him, why did he waste the time of the Police ?

But furthermore, knowing it was from a spoof account why did he tweet the following ?

Sorry, perhaps it's just me but I'm struggling a bit here....Thomson knew the threat came from a spoof account, the perpetrator of this spoof later apologised to him and yet Strathclyde Police's conduct according to Thomson “was shameful quite possibly corrupt” ? Heaven help us.

If that allegation against Strathclyde Police is Thomson's normal form of logic then thank goodness Glasgow is indeed different.

Of course careless tweeting has been something of an Achilles heel for Thomson. On the 26th June 2012 he was forced to issue an apology to the Rangers support following an inappropriate tweet concerning the Ibrox Disaster memorial. Attempts of course to claim that he was unaware of the significance of the memorial were somewhat usurped with a review of his own blog of 8.3.2012,
where he commented :

“Outside one corner of Ibrox a monument stands to the 66 who were crushed to death on a cold, foggy January night in 1971″

I mentioned of course Thomson's reputation in the opening paragraph, one which he has staked writing the foreword to the book Downfall. A planned serialisation by the Sun newspaper was abandoned in fairly acrimonious circumstances with the newspaper claiming the author was “tarred with a sickening sectarian brush”  Such a stain and public humiliation seemed to galvanise Thomson into action with a suggestion that the Sun newspaper was one of a number of victims of threats and intimidation from Rangers supporters.

Logic breaks down here again unfortunately as the Sun newspaper do not appear to have made any report to the Police concerning these allegations of threats. Of course perhaps it could be argued that the wasting of Police time with false allegations of physical threats is the domain solely of the unscrupulous... a kind of journalistic underclass.

Tweeting does not appear to be a particular friend of Thomson, as it appears to have a tendency to bite back at him big time. His criticism via twitter of MSM, for failing to review Downfall was one such instance.

The sirens started to sound at the first of several references to Rangers supporters as “the Ibrox klan”. The author makes no attempt to disguise his hatred for Rangers, stating at one stage “please let this football club die”. And yet he yearns to be taken seriously as a journalist, repeatedly complaining that no-one from the mainstream media ever calls him. As the tale unravels, Mac Giolla Bhain starts to disappear up his own rear, declaring: “I am aware of my own contribution and I rather like the guy I see in the shaving mirror every morning.” These are two classic mistakes: believing you are the story, and wanting a story to be true. When it’s not.

But perhaps its Thomson most recent offering which underline the depths he will sink to in order to salvage something of his beleaguered reputation. His succulent lamb “expose” revealed far more than James Traynor going about his normal business as a reporter. It revealed that Thomson is willing to use or sacrifice anyone in order to save that reputation. For in revealing those private e-mails he held up his source like some sacrificial lamb to expose a journalist doing what journalists do.  If this was an attempt to alienate the Rangers support towards James Traynor it failed miserably. In fact it generated more discussion as to why Whyte was briefing against our club.

So not only do we know who Thomson's source is now, we know he is a thoroughly discredited individual who has lied on numerous occasions.  But of course perhaps I fail to give Thomson credit, perhaps there is some bigger plan at work here as per his motivation with his complaint to Strathclyde Police.

Or perhaps Alex Thomson is just a complete and utter liability, who has not only damaged his own reputation in Scotland with some seriously flawed judgement, but also that of Channel 4  news, who like Thomson's links to a man described as being “tarred with a sickening sectarian brush” mean they are guilty by association.

Thursday, 14 February 2013

Rangers support prepare for Shock & Awe

I have to hand it to Charles Green and Jim Traynor, they have managed to do in just a few months what my many years blogging has failed to achieve – upset the press/mediafia and send them into panic mode.

What other reason could there be for the increased attempts and sustained attacks which are quite clearly an effort to besmirch and undermine the credibility of Charles Green and James Traynor amongst the Rangers support.

Leckie, Keith Jackson and Waddell have all  fired their long range rockets of “forgive and forget and move one”accompanied by “Rangers are offensive” in recent weeks. However these assaults seems to have had little impact in achieving their goal and it now appears the infamous and feared “shock and awe” is about to be unleashed upon the Rangers support by that veritable vanguard of Rangers destruction – BBC Scotland.

This benchmark, this epitome, this champion of objective and neutral broadcasting  has been called upon to aid the forces of Rangers bashing, in what can only be described as a textbook pincer movement. Shock and awe is about to be unleashed upon the Rangers support by BBC Scotland in the form of Alex Thomson and Paul McConville.

These latest mercenaries bring with them a considerable history of battle honours. The former you may remember provided the foreword to a book written by an individual who has been labelled as   “ tarred with the sectarian brush”.   A book which prompted the following review from The Scotsman newspaper :-

The sirens started to sound at the first of several references to Rangers supporters as “the Ibrox klan”. The author makes no attempt to disguise his hatred for Rangers, stating at one stage “please let this football club die”. And yet he yearns to be taken seriously as a journalist, repeatedly complaining that no-one from the mainstream media ever calls him. As the tale unravels, Mac Giolla Bhain starts to disappear up his own rear, declaring: “I am aware of my own contribution and I rather like the guy I see in the shaving mirror every morning.” These are two classic mistakes: believing you are the story, and wanting a story to be true. When it’s not.

This is the same individual who went running to Strathclyde Police with tales of assault and corruption amongst the press in Scotland, only for Glasgow's finest to dismiss his claims out of hand. This prompted the aforesaid Thomson to claim the Polis were in on the corruption as well. Ah nothing like a good old conspiracy theory to cover up your own shortcomings or lack of moral fibre or integrity.. He is also the same individual whose duplicity was exposed when he denied knowing the significance of the Ibrox Disaster memorial. Still, he will be in good company at BBC Scotland – the seem to like employing persons skilled in the art of duplicity and denial – hence why Graham Spiers got a job.

However its good to know that BBC Scotland are using my licence money in a responsible manner by importing guests of impeccable professional credentials whose personal integrity is beyond reproach. I do wonder however if McConville's appearance on BBC Scotland will prompt the Law Society of Scotland to send along an observer given the strict conditions they placed upon him at his Scottish Solicitors Disciplinary Hearing, after he failed to pursue compensation claims in respect of miner's relatives which led to his public humiliation.

But with his professional integrity and reputation in tatters Mr McConville has attempted to restore his battered personal reputation by way of his web blog – Random Thoughts On Scot's Law. Mr McConville has a penchant you see for apparently waffling on all matters legal. He likes nothing better to ruminate over all aspects of the law in Scotland. It might come as a surprise to some of you that he only managed to ever ruminate once over Scotland's worst ever mass murderer Abdelbaset Ali Mohmed al-Megrahi, and his subsequent release from prison on compassionate grounds. Compare this to his many hundred Rangers related articles and you will see that his ruminating is particularly one dimensional. A fitting qualification of course for a BBC Scotland appearance.

So with the ominous approach of Shock and Awe are Rangers supporters everywhere scrambling for cover ?

No not quite. Instead we are laughing at you. And laughing very loudly.

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Scotland's Offensive Bill

I noticed that Gordon Waddell's column in the Sunday Mail raised a few eyebrows amongst our support. Probably blood pressure too. You have to hand it to the Scottish Press they don't just get things wrong, they get them terribly wrong.

I said a while back that until they walk about in our shoes for a while, the differences in perception are going to poles apart. Actually, delete “poles” and insert “universes”. And while Keith Jackson was thumping out the old “forgive, forget and move on” melody, Leckie obviously didn't take my advice about shoes, and saw fit to describe Rangers as “offensive”. Furthermore he seems to suggest that we should be going on a “charm offensive”.

Oh how I laughed. All the way to Waterstones in fact where I bought Leckie a copy of an English Dictionary. Because those universes seem to be keeping us galaxies apart in our interpretation of the word “offensive”.

So let me get this right. The club who have been, and continue to be, treated unjustly by the Scottish Football authorities, who have been lied about in various press columns and in the media, who have been subjected to the most vicious and malicious witch hunt in the history of Scottish sport, should themselves be going on charm offensive ?

You have to hand it to Leckie, as the ridiculous scale goes it's on a par with suggesting a rape victim deserved her fate because she happened to be wearing a short dress.

Of course the “forgive, forget and move on” and the “Rangers are offensive” campaigns work well for the Scottish Press. They don't have to examine their own roles and failings in the witch hunt which was waged against Rangers. No need to address their own culpability, responsibility and failure to act as the “moral guardians of society”.

Determining and treating someone as guilty before verdict, that to me is “offensive”. Offensive to the fundamental principle that a party should be presumed innocent until proven guilty.

Blackmailing a party to accept something which a Scottish Court has deemed unlawful, as a pre-requisite to granting a licence to play football – that to me is offensive.

But perhaps most offensive of all is that coward's like Bill Leckie and his ilk fail to ask the questions of those who have abused their power, who are accused by many (outside the Rangers community) of bullying, intimidating and lying in their Machiavellian exploits, and yet continue to govern our national game.

Seems Scotland has more than one “Offensive Bill”.

Thursday, 24 January 2013

Weather warning - Scotland

Greek mythology tells the story of Cassandra, a feminine beauty granted the gift of prophecy by the God Apollo. However after denying Apollo the right to sleep with her, Cassandra quickly learned that hell hath no fury like a God scorned, as the almighty Apollo placed a caveat on her prophetic gift – that despite the ability to predict the future with uncanny accuracy, no-one would ever believe her. Greek tragedies based on this story often depict Cassandra being driven insane with frustration, as her portents on the forthcoming destruction of her beloved Troy, alas, fall upon deaf ears.

Fall upon deaf ears.

How often in these last few months, as Rangers supporters, can we empathise with, and understand the depth of such frustration. Our frustration, which has now been surpassed by a righteous indignation, is based on events not from the future but from the past. At the very heart  of that indignation is a desire sought by mankind since time in immemorial – justice. The foundation stone in the building of great nations, but a millstone however for the also rans. The pursuit of justice has inspired mankind for generations, epitomised in Dr Martin Luther King's letter from a Birmingham jail, “I am here because injustice is here”

And injustice is also here – in our native Scotland – as an ever present travelling companion to Rangers in our club's journey over the last few months.

When you condemn someone without trial – that is injustice.

When you pre-determine someone's guilt and draw up punishments before a verdict is  passed – that is injustice.

When you impose sanctions upon someone which a court has declared unlawful – that is injustice.

When you honour and award those responsible for the sowing of lies and deceit  – that is injustice.

Former journalist and publisher Alex Mooney is absolutely correct, writing in The Rangers Standard, in describing this as “The witch hunt which shamed  Scotland“. It demotes our nation's status to that of an also ran. It is inexcusable. Nor is it a singular poor judgement made in the heat of a crisis, the frequency of it's recurrence serves to confirm that.

Imagine for a moment that rather than being wrought on a football club, the injustices aforementioned had been committed in respect of a terrorist suspect in this country.

Would our politicians, our press and media, our social commentators ignore such shameful conduct.? Would the breaches of that suspect's right of equality before the law, the usurping of his right to be presumed innocent until proven guilty, be tolerated ? Not only has the injustice imposed upon our club being characterised by deaf ears, but to the shame of many, silent tongues also.

Scotland, once of the brave, now of the also rans has a dirty little secret. A secret shame in fact, for it is rarely mentioned. Perhaps by ignoring it they hope it will go away quietly, epitomised by a recent press article which encouraged the Rangers support “to forgive, forget and move one” when the news broke that both club and support would boycott the Scottish Cup tie with Dundee United.

On June 8th, 2012, Dundee United chairmen Stephen Thomson gave an interview to BBC Scotland, with regard to Rangers,  during which time he stated :-

"There's been a lack of remorse shown. Views have hardened.

"Taking things to a court of law hasn't helped. That's certainly hardened views of people within the game. 

I recognise that type of language from my days as a harassment and discrimination counsellor. It comes under scale 3 on Allports Scale of Prejudice and Discrimination under the heading of Discrimination. Its manifestation seeks to deny the victim the opportunity to seek that which they are entitled to – in this case justice.  But not only does Thomson question our right to seek justice, he infers that a consequence of doing so will see further recrimination against us.

But do not think for a minute that our “acquittal” at a tax tribunal will prove to be a turning point. One only has to look at the proposed league construction proposals for evidence that the injustice against Rangers is set to continue, unabated. Such proposals have a precedent. In the 1994 Stranraer were in a similar position in that reconstruction would deny them of the promotion they had earned. This was deemed to be unfair and unjust and they were rightfully awarded the promotion their endeavours had earned. Fast forward to today and you will find no such provision has been made for Rangers in an identical position.

It was former Daily Record Editor John Allan who wrote :-

“That is the story of the Rangers. They have had good times and bad times, critical times and times of exultation. No club with the same modest origin can claim so distinguished a record of achievement. They were not born in the lap of luxury. They have been the architects of their own fortune, and, simply because of that, they have become equipped with the moral resistive force to grapple with adversity, which is better than being coddled in the cradle and whining when the wind blows cold. May all who look upon the old club with a friendly eye stand prepared, by precept and example, to protect its interests and its good name”

Have we as a support forgotten how to use the tools of moral resistive force ? Not only use them but use them effectively and strategically ?

Those responsible for the injustices against our club, not only remain in position, they continue to administer in a manner which denies our club justice. That is not only Scotland's shame but our own shame also.

Its time for us to stop whining and start grappling. It's time for that cold wind to change direction.

Let every person who looks upon not only Rangers with a friendly eye, but who has duty to see justice upheld, who  desires more for their nation than to be an also ran, issue Scotland with a weather warning – Hurricane Justice is coming.

Monday, 21 January 2013

When the truth becomes uncomfortable

It was in Alabama's Birmingham jail, following a peaceful civil rights protest, that Martin Luther King Jr. wrote his famous Birmingham letter and declared  to a watching world, “I am in Birmingham because injustice is here”.

Whilst I may not be incarcerated in my native Scotland, as I write these words , I can honestly declare that “injustice is here”.  Here in my native Scotland and being wrought upon my football club.

When you condemn someone without trial – that is injustice.

When you pre-determine someone's guilt and draw up punishments before a verdict – that is injustice.

When you impose sanctions upon someone which a court has deemed unlawful – that is injustice.

When you honour and award those who have been responsible for sowing the lies which deceived a nation – that is injustice.

But it appears Scotland has a new secret shame, because no-body appears to have any desire to talk or discuss the injustices which have been heaped upon Rangers FC.  None of our journalists appear to be investigating the men behind the Rangers Tax Case, why is there a continued silence and a lack of will or desire to determine where the leaks came from which sustained this blog for so long ?

The injustices of which I speak should shame Scotland. In fact I suspect they do. A lot of people have been embarrassed as they are forced to reflect on their own failings during this process. Particularly elements of the press who had Rangers condemned before verdict. It's no small wonder they urge the Rangers support to forgive, forget and move on.

Quite simply the truth is too uncomfortable for them to face – the suggestion to the Rangers support to “forgive, forget and move on” is an excuse for them to ignore their own failings, their own responsibilities and their own culpability in the commission of the injustice wrought upon Rangers FC. To their eternal shame some have even resorted to lying on national television in an attempt to squirm out of taking responsibility for what they have scribed.

Perhaps when the guilty ones face the uncomfortable truth, and acknowledge their shortcomings, then and only then will we even consider “moving on”.

Sunday, 13 January 2013

It's been a remarkable weekend. We had Stewart Regan giving an interview for Scotland on Sunday and Graham Spiers hosting a radio show. The former during the course of that interview comments “Charles has made his point but I would ask the question as to why there is a desire to leave “ the latter during his radio show suggested the Rangers support are suffering from a persecution complex.

Let me kill both of these birds with one stone and deal with both the question and the accusation.

Many years ago I studied at the Church of Scotland's St Colms College in Edinburgh. During that time I learned one of life's most valuable lessons – to understand where people are coming from you have to walk about in their shoes for a bit. So what do see when you don the shoes of the average Rangers supporter ?

You certainly see a support with a persecution complex and a desire to leave Scottish football. Forever. So let me present some of the reasons for both.

Lets start with our governing football bodies, who rather than await the process of justice, pre-determine the outcome of a tax tribunal and deal with our club from the perception we are guilty. Who draw up plans to punish our club based on a pre-determination of guilt. Who impose punishments on our club, which have already been deemed unlawful by a Scottish Law Lord.

And despite being cleared of any wrongdoing by that tribunal, those governing bodies are still treating Rangers with contempt. The new league construction model sees Rangers remain in the bottom tier despite the ever increasing likelihood of earning promotion. Yet when Stranraer faced a similar situation several years ago, it was deemed to be unfair and they were granted the promotion they had earned. So why are Rangers being treated in a different manner ?

But it was not only the Scottish football authorities who jumped to a conclusion of guilt. The Scottish media and the Scottish footballing public also jumped on that particular bandwagon. The real problem is that this particular bandwagon appears to be still rolling.

“Cheats” ,“financial doping” were terms which were, and continue to be overused, but perhaps the icing on the cake was comparing our club's tax avoidance strategy to the corruption and bribery which disgraced both French and Italian football. The truth is it's never been about sporting integrity, its about an unbridled hatred of Rangers Football Club with the indication being such hatred is not going to go away anytime soon.

One only has too look at the response to Jim Traynor's “Gentleman be careful” comments. Mocked, goaded and challenged. Given that our club has been subjected to a witch hunt which should shame Scotland in the last 12 months, with such flames of hatred being fanned by the lies of a blog and a documentary, (which they saw fit to honour with awards) is it any small surprise our football club would make moves to prevent such a repetition ? Or is this club not allowed to defend itself from blatant lies ?

Perhaps one the greatest ironies about this article is that the individual who made the persecution complex comment was exposed as a liar recently on national television, denying he had attributed certain words to describe Rangers use of EBT's, when in the public domain, screenshots from his twitter account, serve to confirm that Graham Spiers claims of innocence were false. In essence his conduct and the subsequent lack of accountability for it, from the individual concerned and Scottish media in general, strengthens that persecution complex.

So Mr Regan and Mr Spiers, I hope this answers your questions and accusations. I hope the time spent wearing my shoes granted you an understanding of the feelings of the Rangers support and, for your own personal contributions to such feelings - a sense of shame.

But I doubt it will.

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Lessons in life courtesy of Dad's Army

It' a long time since I enjoyed a good chuckle. The kind which have you aching in pain with laughter. It's also a considerable time since I last saw an episode of Dad's Army, or even thought about it. ( For the younger Bears among us Dad's Army was popular British sitcom based around the goings on at a Home Guard platoon) However events this week, courtesy of some of our most prolific and outspoken Rangers haters have ended both periods of abstinence.

And there is certainly an element of “old reliable” about chuckle No.1 as it features BBC Scotland and Stuart Cosgrove. Fresh from his mealy mouthed apology for labelling Rangers cheats over the use of EBT's he was back to his old self again, on Sportsound Extra, suggesting that Charles Green was using inflammatory language for financial gain ie to sell season tickets. Oh how I laughed.

The man who is no stranger to the sectarian term “hun” and who proudly relates a story on a train where he describes Rangers supporters as “Orange Wankers” lecturing anyone on “inflammatory language” is an absolute hoot. Seems Charles Green having the temerity to defend Rangers has raised the ire of Mr Cosgrove.

Well have I got news for you Mr Cosgrove...get used to it. Not only does this club not do walking away, we no longer do dignified silence either.

To quote Corporal Jones....”They don't like it up them do they ?”

Chuckle...or rather sides splitting No. 2 came courtesy of Leggo and his revelation that Phil many surnames had complained to the PCC over the Sun suggesting “he was tarred by the sectarian brush”, with the PCC finding in favour of the newspaper. Perhaps there is some truth in the latest murmurings from republican supporters that Phil has something of an ego problem. Has no-one ever been kind enough to give Phil the cautionary advice that when you are in a hole don’t keep digging ?

As Captain Mainwaring would say....”Stupid boy”

Those of us old enough to remember Dad's Army will remember the title credits at the end were always preceded by the caption “You have been watching”.....

And this provides the biggest laugh of all courtesy of Broadcasters Audience Research Board (BARB) who publish British Television Viewing Figures.


Celtic v Aberdeen 91,000
Dundee Utd v Hibs 16,000
Hibs v Hearts 25,000
Ross County v Celtic 70,000
Dundee Utd v Dundee 75,000
ICT v Celtic 67,000
St Johnstone v Celtic 85,000
Aberdeen v Motherwell 41,000
Aberdeen v Hibs 44,000
Celtic v Hearts 183,000
Inverness v Ross County 38,000
St Mirren v Celtic 103,000
Hearts v Motherwell 61,000
Motherwell v Hibs 63,000
Dundee Utd v Celtic 87,000
Inverness v Hearts 48,000
Hibs v Dundee Utd 51,000
Inverness v Motherwell 51,000
Aberdeen v Celtic 105,000
Motherwell v Hearts 36,000
Hibs v Hearts 124,000
Hearts v Celtic 129,000
Dundee v Dundee Utd 89,000
Kilmarnock v Celtic 106,000
arbroath v Celtic 255,000
kilmarnock v Hibs 59,000
Hearts v Dundee Utd 61,000
Dundee Utd v Celtic 96,000

Total viewers 2,259,000
Average 80,679 per game.


Peterhead v Rangers 166,000
Berwick v Rangers 96,000
Rangers v Elgin 85,000
Clyde v Rangers 127,000
Rangers v Elgin 291,000
Montrose v Rangers 79,000
Queens Park v Rangers 174,000

Total viewers 1,018,000
Average per game 145,428

Who else but Private Fraser could finish off this piece...? Was he speaking about the SPL when he gave us his catchphrase ?

“We're doomed”

Sunday, 6 January 2013

Pride goeth before destruction

And a haughty spirit before a fall.

And there is ample evidence of that haughty spirit. After reading a number of newspaper columns over the last few weeks there is a consistent theme emerging that the SPL is going through something of a Utopia period with the absence of Rangers.

Now don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with marketing which attempts to “sex up” the product, the danger comes however when you begin to believe the hype and ignore the facts. Part of that Utopian myth appears to suggest the absence of Rangers has made the SPL more “family friendly”

In the last 2 weeks we have seen scenes at Dens Park which one official compared to a “throwback to the 70's” and “the worst scenes in 20 years”. Add to that a 10 year ball boy being the victim of someone spitting in his face at the Edinburgh derby, as well as chairs damaged at Pittodrie in the Aberdeen vs Dundee United match. Perhaps it's just me but such scenes are not my interpretation of “family friendly”.

Furthermore the “sexed up” product does not appear to be selling that well despite considerable marketing. Attendances are down, but more significantly, TV viewing figures have also seen a considerable drop. Clubs are having to offer considerable discount on batches of ticket sales in an effort to encourage sales. The Sell out Saturdays campaign is a dim and distant memory. Rangers in the 3rd Division of the SFL continue to draw attendances which outstrip those of the combined SPL games.

Tam Cowan was pontificating in a recent column that the predicted Armageddon for Scottish football had not happened. I think Tam needs to go back to bible class, Armageddon comes after considerable signs and warnings.

Contract talks between Dundee United and their manager Peter Houston, have dragged on for some considerable time without resolution. Quite simply Dundee United don't have the money to give him the kind of favourable contract he negotiated in the aftermath of their Scottish Cup triumph. I have little doubt the pinch is being felt throughout the rest of the SPL.

Of course part of the “sexing up” of the SPL in the newspapers, is nothing more than a GIRUY to Rangers and their support. It would be a complete humiliation for all of those involved with the rejection of Rangers membership if they had to subsequently concede that the SPL needs us, or more appropriately, the money and viewing figures we generate.

This is not a Rangers supporter gloating at the trials and tribulations affecting the SPL, just someone objective enough to compare the hype with the hard facts and the harsh realities of market forces.

It is perhaps appropriate that the decision whether or not to unleash Armageddon on Scottish football will not come from a Rangers hater or a Rangers lover for that matter, but rather a TV executive reviewing this season's SPL viewing figures which will be devoid of any “sexing up”.

Thursday, 3 January 2013

Looking from the outside in

Many of us will be familiar with the saying “you can't see the woods for the trees”. The fundamental truth of these few words of wisdom were underlined to me in a recent phone conversation I had with an old friend Rik. Rik is not a Rangers fan, nor a football fan for that matter, he's one of those strange chaps who prefer the game played with an egg shaped ball where the forward pass is not only frowned upon, it is in fact illegal.

Rik and I were marines together, we fought, drank, womanised, yomped, billeted together for many years, our shared Ulster Scots heritage solidifying a friendship through common and shared culture, despite our differences of opinion between a round and egg shaped ball. It is a friendship we have maintained throughout the years, which culminates in a New Years Day phone call.

As ever during this years phone call he asked me about my beloved Rangers. (Rik's current job in the oil industry sees him spend many months of the year in far flung corners of our planet, which often leaves him less than well informed regarding UK events)

As I related the years events to him in the best chronological order I could, I could hear the disbelief in his voice. Substantiated by my constant need  for re-assurance “No honestly this is what happened”. The more the story unfolded however, the more incredible and far fetched it sounded, even to me, who lived through and experienced each heart wrenching moment of it.

This topic of conversation finished with a question from Rik.. “How did they get away with it ?”
It was not a rhetorical question, just one I was unable to furnish an answer to. But it really set me thinking. Have we been so embroiled with concern over our club that we have allowed those who wilfully and maliciously conspired against us to get away with it ? Are we really missing the obvious, have we failed to see the woods for the trees ?

Football governing bodies usurping the fundamental right of innocence until proven guilty. Of blackmailing our club. Of manipulating and intimidating those outside our club to accept a solution which ran contrary to any sense of natural justice ? There is a whole symphony of SFL chairmen singing in harmony from a hymn sheet and the song they are singing is that they were lied to, bullied, threatened and intimidated by those in charge of our game. Where else would such allegations go without investigation or action ? Why are the people accused of such appalling behaviour still in post ? Does this country condone and sanction such conduct ? Those at the centre of such allegations still represent our football governing bodies.

And what of HMRC and their tsunami style leaks to the Rangers Tax Case Blog ? Why didn't they report such criminality to the Police who are far better qualified to investigate such matters, after their own internal investigations proved fruitless ?  Why did it require Sir David Murray's lawyers to write to Crown Office asking that the leaks were treated as criminal and worthy of investigation. It is public knowledge that HMRC have been subject of scathing criticism for their failure to recuperate monies allegedly due. Did it suit the under pressure HMRC to have an outlet such as RTC, whose sole motivation was to misuse the information they had received by criminal means, to convince everyone of Rangers guilt ?  If HMRC have failed to take all reasonable steps to stop the leaks which had such a damaging affect on the saleability of our club, will they be liable to all us shareholders who lost out when liquidation followed as a consequence ?

And of course BBC Scotland. Lambasted for their conduct by some of their own most respected journalists and broadcasters. Producers of a documentary which went a long way to cementing public opinion of our apparent “guilt”. A publicly funded broadcasting organisation which spent months on journalistic research rightfully calling into question both the integrity and credibility of Craig Whyte, and yet suddenly they afford him the credibility of an exclusive interview. Co-incidence that the man who has caused so much damage to our club was given such a platform as we embarked on a share issue flotation ? But even then that was not enough for this organisation. Because that exclusive platform they gave him was leaked to an internet blogger in the Republic of Ireland. Did they perhaps think that a man who has been labelled as “tarred with the sectarian brush” ...”a tactical bigot” and various other labels confirming his status as “Rangers Hater” could do more damage with his particular brand of anti-Rangers poison than their documentary could ?  HMRC leaks to RTC – exact same modus operandi.

I now have an answer to Rik's question “How did they get away with it ?”

The answer is they haven't. 

Accordingly over the next few days  I will be writing to a number of individuals in various government posts demanding answers – I will post the e-mails on all Rangers sites. Please feel free to copy verbatim if your time is of the essence, use appropriate phrases from my original, or use your own style and terminology ( I'm not a professional letter writer so there is every chance your own will be better than mine) but I would implore you all to write, To demand answers, explanations.

It's time for this support to take the offensive, to be pro-active rather than be reactive, and to let the world know that those Rangers haters who operate in the shadows have had their 5 minutes of fame.

It's time my fellow bears to fight back.