There were rumours.
Rumours which gave birth to hope, a trait and emotion long forgotten amongst us. In a drought ridden land such hope was akin to the distant peels of thunder from an approaching storm – there was an air of expectancy but no certainty it would come.
There is a whole generation of Rangers supporters who have been reared on the shambolic strategy of “dignified silence”. The know and indeed expect no better. Small wonder then that within the ranks of our support there is an apathy and resignation which is defeatist in nature. Do not condemn them... for not only do they not know, they have not experienced anything else.
Looking back, painfully, on these last 20 years I am reminded of a scene from King Arthur. As his queen's honour is besmirched in public the king asks of his knight's...”Is there not ONE among you who would seek to defend her ?”
Likewise the Rangers support have waited, forlornly, for a champion to step forward and to cast that “favourable eye” towards Rangers Football Club. And then seek with all their strength and might to defend her.
Yesterday that champion rose, and when he struck it was both decisive and unexpected.
Yesterday's Daily Record (Keith Jackson) led with a story that Rangers were in a cash crisis, with new manager Ally McCoist very much looking like the pauper rather than the prince. Within hours however rumours were in circulation that Jackson had been banned from Ibrox and the Daily Record had withdrawn the story.
Unexpectantly, but with precision and guile, the empire had struck back and her victory was not only overwhelming it was also a significant benchmark. Had there been any truth to the story, any journalistic integrity or credibility to the sources then of course the newspaper in question would not have withdrawn the article. The defeat the Daily Record suffered yesterday was a a particularly humiliating one.
The message is crystal clear.
There may have been a day when lies and untruths about our club went unchallenged due to apathy from within. That day is over...the King is dead...Long live the King ! This was was no “shot across the bows” empty warning, it was a full broadside delivered with such force that it sent the recipients reeling. Actions, as always, speak so much louder than words.
Yesterday's events will have reverberated around Scottish media circles like a Taleban parcel at a pass the parcel game. In fact maybe before those “gentlemen of the press” next publish their latest besmirching of Rangers Football Club they will ponder the question...
“Is there not ONE among you who will defend her ?”
Step forward the Whyte Knight.
Good read once again D'art, keep up the good work.