Saturday, 30 July 2011

Truth vindicates

“Truth is generally the best vindication against slander “
(Abraham Lincoln)

There are perhaps a number of members of the Vanguard Bears website sitting with a sense of vindication over the events at BBC Scotland this week. For as they demonstrated against the BBC they exposed themselves to the general apathy and ridicule which at times seems to infect elements of the Rangers support. Such apathy and ridicule only serves to provide a gateway for the continued besmirching of this club by our enemies.

Of course as well as ridicule from our own, those who have dared to suggest or take action against media imbalance, bias and inequality in reporting have had to suffer the wrath of those who have been exposed, which goes some way to explain Spier's distaste of internet sites which have challenged his credibility and which he has tried to dismiss with comments such as “paranoid beserkers”

It was German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer who declared that ...

“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident. “

Of course BBC Scotland sought to deny they operated with any sense of bias despite the catalogue of complaints which gave rise to Vanguard Bear's protests. Whilst there may not have been violent opposition, ridicule within the media was certainly present, furthermore the events of this last week demonstrate that the claims of bias are self-evident.

Perhaps some Bears will be less inclined to ridicule fellow Bears who highlight glaring press imbalance. Sadly I came across a Bear who suggested Rangers action in removing BBC Scotland recording rights at an Ibrox Press conference as “petty”.

You sometimes shake your head in disbelief.

A major media organisation, which is publicly accountable, has deliberately and maliciously edited footage to misrepresent the views of the Rangers manager and to present the club in a bad light. There is nothing “petty” about the action Rangers have taken in these circumstances.

Of course the whole episode has warranted considerable exposure as those who read Leggoland will be aware.

But I have a number of questions which I would like answered. Have BBC Scotland launched an investigation as to the circumstances which allowed such “Inappropriate editting” to take place ?

How many people were involved in the process ?

What supervision was in place which allowed such distorting of the truth, and allowed such a misrepresentation to be broadcast ?

What disciplinary action will be taken against those involved ?

What measures are BBC Scotland going to take to address the obvious anti-Rangers bias which exists within the organisation ?

Our new chairman appears to be honouring his pledge that Rangers Football Club would no longer be the whipping boys of the Scottish media. It is absolutely imperative that the Rangers support rally behind our new chairman in the days and months ahead as he battles to redress the media imbalance. For years we have waited for someone to stand up for our club, and at long last we have a chairman who appears to identify with the concerns of the average Bear. Club and support standing shoulder to shoulder will be a formidable force to be reckoned with and will prevent certain media hacks isolating supporters groups with inferences of “paranoia”.

The events of this last week have confirmed that there exists within Scottish media circles, and outwith, considerable anti-Rangers bias. A number of truths have been revealed which at one time were merely suggestions and accusations from concerned Bears, which drew scorn.

I will leave the last word to American author Lois McMaster Bujold …..

“If the truth doesn't save us, what does that say about us? “

1 comment:

  1. Is there a link to the BBC report???

    I too am in a constant battle with the BBC here in Northern Ireland with their bias. All I get are platitudes. If they were to give the gaa, the press they give Loyalists there would be gurning form every orifice at Connolly House.
