Its funny how things can turn around. Ask any Rangers supporter who has been following our club's saga on message boards, social networks, news channels and printed media. If this was a tv soap it would be criticised for having too much drama. Where it will end goodness only knows, this bear has long given up trying to even remotely predict the outcome.
Instead perhaps it's worth turning our attention to what we do know.
On the announcement of administration for Rangers there were a fair few people who could barely contain their joy, they texted about it, they tweeted about it and they openly laughed and joked about it.
But they ain't laughing now.
In fact they are sitting watching events unfold with increasing alarm and a dawning realisation.
Its not the fact that every 5 minutes or so news commentaries are describing Rangers as the most successful club in the world, nor is it even that we are being hailed as the biggest and best supported club in Scotland or that we are an institution, which is an integral part of Scottish society, and part of the identity of millions of people not just in this country but around the globe. Neither is it that politicians, from first ministers to prime minsters and commentators from the world of sport and beyond sport, are openly encouraging Rangers to survive and come through this troubled time.
No, what is causing mass trepidation amongst those who hate Rangers is that the events of the last few days have shaken the colossal beast which is the Rangers support out of hibernation. The fabled army has risen and is on the march and God help anyone or anything which gets in its way.
The majority which has been silent for far far too long, have finally found their tongues. In cities, in towns, in villages, in glens, in valleys, in shires the call to arms for the Rangers is being answered. But don’t think this mobilisation will be restricted to merely a football club and sport. That's the problem with kinetic energy, once you get a huge mass moving who knows where it will stop. Perhaps that's why so many politicians wish to be seen to be supporting Rangers cause in these troubled times. I suspect they realise that not only have the Rangers support remembered how to use their voice, but also their vote.
Even now the foot soldiers of this army are starting to ask the awkward questions and identify those who appear to stand in their way, the enemies of this club are being noted, and they will not be forgotten. Not now. Not ever.
Moreover lessons have been learnt. The placing of trust in certain individuals, and following faithfully without question have been exhausted. I have a feeling once realised this will extend beyond the spheres of Rangers FC to the very fabric of the society they live in. Isn't kinetic energy a bitch ?
There may come a day when football supporters accept with a mere shrug of the shoulders that their football club is all but gone.
But this will not be the day. Nor will it be Rangers FC.
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