Saturday, 30 June 2012

The Tale of Two Protests

“People must have righteous principals in the first, and then they will not fail to perform virtuous actions.”
( Martin Luther)

Perhaps the handful of individuals who embarrassed themselves on the “No to Newco” march today would do well to carry out something of a post-mortem as to why they were left in such splendid isolation.

Let me do their job for them – their desire for “Sporting Integrity” is nothing but an absolute  sham - you know it, I know it,  and in fact the world now knows it.

Statement from Clyde FC

It was probably the hollowness, the lack of integrity of it all.....the lack of righteous principals which caused such a poor turn out.  Quite simply when it came to the crunch – their hearts were not in it. Its all fine and well marching for something you believe in, but when you know that ideal is false and does not hold up to scrutiny then it becomes nigh on impossible to perform virtuous actions.

Many moons ago, on the eve of the Battle for Two Sisters on the Falklands Islands, our troop officer addressed us with the words than 10 Volunteers were better than 100 pressed men. Several hours later Two Sisters had fallen to the guns of 45 Commando Royal Marines despite seemingly impossible odds. It was a story that was reciprocated all over the Falklands that night as the Paras and Scots Guards also recorded famous victories against overwhelming odds. By the end of the campaign there were 5000 British troops on the islands. There were 17000 Argentine Prisoners of War.

Virtuous actions are indeed a consequence of righteous principals.

As Scottish Football struggles to find a solution to the problem of Rangers, its perhaps worthwhile remembering that the problem was caused because of a campaign of hatred under the false banner of “Sporting Integrity”. There was nothing righteous, principled or virtuous about it, as others have commented it was little more than a bloodlust.

Yes Craig Whyte did wrong. But as the Crown Office orders Strathclyde Police to undertake a criminal enquiry into the whole mess, the possibility now exists that Rangers will in fact be victims in all of this. Of course some of us have been banging this particular drum for some time, citing the selling of our future, our past, our prized assets and our reputation as evidence of who has really suffered the most due to the actions of Whyte.

I wont insult your intelligence by asking you if you think the treatment of Rangers has been in keeping with the normal treatment victims of crime are afforded. The several thousand Bears who marched upon Hampden a few weeks ago tends to suggest otherwise. But of course it gets worse. It was not Rangers supporters who used the word “unlawful” to describe the actions of those wishing to punish Rangers, but one of the highest judges in the land.

And even then we were criticised for seeking justice.

Not only is their absence of any kind of sporting integrity towards Rangers, those charged with the responsibility of finding a solution now appear willing to resort to threats, bullying and intimidation to achieve their purpose.

Its hard times for those of us who are Bears. But we will come through them. The righteous principals which have guided our club through these years may have been hijacked for a while, but the thousands of  Bears who marched on Hampden demonstrate they have been returned to their rightful owners. There is a considerable movement amongst our support who would be quite happy to go to Div 3 and work our way up.

But ask yourselves who would you rather be ?

Those who stood by your club through thick and thin, took whatever punishment came your way and emerged from the whole experience stronger  and with our credibility and principles intact ?

Or those who operating from a mandate of hatred threatened to boycott, and consequently damaged their own clubs financially. Who schemed behind closed doors and under a false banner of “Sporting Integrity” when in fact money was their motivation, and who conducted themselves in a manner befitting fascist bully boys ?

Some time in the near future this whole period will be re-visited and analysed. When it does,  if such commentators use the words righteous, virtuous or principles you can bet your bottom dollar that it will be to describe the Rangers support and no-one else.

Monday, 25 June 2012

History beckons you No. 12

She had been battered, raped and pillaged for several months. Every fresh blow seemed to bring her closer to that final crushing blow. Like a wounded animal she tried to stand on her feet, to regain her dignity and honour, but the attacks were relentless and  to the shame of all, none would come to her aid.

And finally, after what seemed like an eternity, the end was near. The Haters, Vultures and Ghouls made their way towards Ibrox  for the telling knockout blow. In the interests of “sporting integrity” a boxing referee was enlisted to deliver the final count.

At the doors of Ibrox they were met by two sentinels who barred their way.  Alistair McCoist and Lee McCulloch. It was pointless asking them to move. Neither would walk away.

“Start the count” demanded one of the haters.  And so it began.

But not as as they had expected.


“Wait, wait your counting wrong” screamed the haters.


The two sentinels were no longer alone. For on either side of them filing quietly into line were unknown faces wearing Rangers shirts with No. 12 on the back.  They didn't need names on the back, it was the badge on the front which was important to them. There were young and old, sprightly and infirm, the capable carried the less capable lest they stumbled.

As the count continued the numbers, grew, and grew, and grew, until thousands joined the two sentinels barring the way to Ibrox.

The silence was broken momentarily when a whisper filled the air, some say to this day it came from within the walls of Ibrox itself....... “We’ve got the battle fever on”

“Who are these people?” asked one of the haters.

Ally McCoist stepped forward....... “Allow me to introduce you to my No. 12's......they don't do walking away either”

And so it began.

In years to come Rangers historians will recite stories of  Baxter, Woodburn, Cooper, Laudrup, McCoist, Gough and of course of No. 12.

In the coming months news outlets will feature stories about the No. 12's – the fans who would not let their club die.

Their loyalty, faith and passion  in a football club will capture the imagination of  nations.

They will become the benchmark which other supporters aspire to.

Whatever is thrown at them or their club No.12's will come back for more, time and time again until eventually our detractors can thrown no more.

Wherever their club goes the No. 12's will be there. And every other Saturday Ibrox will be filled with No. 12's.

Our children's children will proudly tell their friends at school that their grandfather was a No. 12.

No. 12's will be the topic of conversation every Monday morning, in factories, offices, wherever people assemble.

Newspaper columns will mention the No.12's in the same breath as resilience and a never say die spirit.

Who am I and how do I know all this ?

Im a No. 12 and Im about to take my place in history.

Monday, 18 June 2012

The debate Scotland will never have...

Hatred of enemies is easier and more intense than love of friends. But from men who are more anxious to injure opponents than to benefit the world at large no great good is to be expected.
(Lord Bertrand Russell)

This torrid period of history in our beloved club will leave many of us with memories, none of which are particularly pleasant. Perhaps the most indelible imprint however will be the unbridled hatred shown towards our club by the supporters of other SPL clubs.

While Scotland will have seminars on sectarianism, debates on racism, discussions on equality, it will not explore or discuss the unparalleled hatred shown towards Rangers and their support which, like a festering boil, has come to something of a head.

Many years ago I wrote an article on the follow follow website which asked the question where the Rangers Support sat in term of Allports Scale of Discrimination. Allport's Scale was devisied by Gordon Allport and American Psychologist and is often referred to by those involved in equality training in industry and also within tribunals where discrimination or prejudice is alleged.

The 5 stages of Allport's Scale are as follows :-

1. Antilocution: Antilocution means a majority group freely make jokes about a minority group. Speech is in terms of negative stereotypes and negative images. [2] This is also called hate speech [3]. It is commonly seen as harmless by the majority. Antilocution itself may not be harmful, but it sets the stage for more severe outlets for prejudice.

2. Avoidance: Members of the majority group actively avoid people in a minority group.[2] No direct harm may be intended, but harm is done through isolation.

3. Discrimination: Minority group is discriminated against by denying them opportunities and services and so putting prejudice into action.[2] Behaviors have the specific goal of harming the minority group by preventing them from achieving goals, getting education or jobs, etc. The majority group is actively trying to harm the minority.

4. Physical Attack: The majority group vandalize, burn or destroy minority group property and carry out violent attacks on individuals or groups.[2] Physical harm is done to members of the minority group.

5. Extermination: The majority group seeks extermination or removal of the minority group.[2] They attempt to eliminate either the entire or a large fraction of a group of people

Of course central to any theme or scale of discrimination is an allegation that an individual, or a group of people, have been treated differently to the norm.

Last week I listened to Brian Taylor's Big Debate on Radio Scotland, which was broadcast from Dundee. The question of Rangers and sanctions came up during the debate, with the majority of the panel acknowledging that depsite the right and wrongs of it all, the SPL needed Rangers from a financial viewpoint. When however the subject was thrown open to the audience, comments such as “cheats”, “misuse of EBT's” and “dual contracts” were very much to the fore. I expected Taylor, who was facilitating the debate, to remind everyone that Rangers had not yet been found guilty of these accusations and we are still currently awaiting the outcome of that hearing. No such reminder was forthcoming, from Taylor, or anyone else for that matter.

Does the presumption of innocence until proven guilty, which characterises Scots Law, not apply to Rangers ?

Of course in the stampede to have a kick at the ailing Rangers, the words “sporting integrity” has not only come to the fore, but it seems to be, all of a sudden, of the utmost importance to every non-Rangers supporter. Its almost ironic that 2 of the clubs who have been reported to be voting against Rangers being re-admitted to the SPL, were benefactors of the lack of concern for sporting integrity when both Aberdeen and Motherwell (3 times in fact) managed to avoid relegation due to League re-construction as well as failure of clubs eligible for promotion to bring their ground up to standard. Where were all the bastions of Sporting Integrity ?

On the subject of ground improvements, the concern for sporting integrity was once again absent, when Celtic FC failed to bring their ground up to standard post Taylor report. Rather than punish Celtic, the SFA leased them Hampden for a season. Sporting Integrity upheld ?

The only mainstream journalist I have seen commenting on this bloodlust to punish Rangers, the expression of delirium by other fans at our downfall, is remarkably, Jim Traynor, who not only states he has never seen anything like it, but suggests it has gone way too far.

It seems some will only be satisfied when the name of Rangers Football Club is airbrushed from history.

That hatred manifests itself in many ways. I was directed to a social network page which is advertising an “Anti- Rangers Protest March” I read 27 comments from those who would be attending and without exception every single one of them referred to Rangers as “the h***”. I believe Allport would refer to that as “hate speech”

Further evidence that Rangers are being treated differently from the norm was found by a few observant Bears very recently. Compare and contrast Jim Spence's blog regarding the fate of 2 football clubs.

But perhaps the greatest manifestation of hatred towards Rangers has been the movement amongst a number of football supporters to boycott their own clubs if their respective chairmen vote to re-admit Rangers to the SPL. This is despite an independent report which has outlined quite clearly the financial perils of an SPL without Rangers. It is perhaps testimony to the level of hatred being displayed that some Chairmen are suggesting they will bow to such pressure and vote not to re-admit Rangers.

To those of us who have spent the last few months doing anything to save our club, I can only describe as warped, doing anything to damage Rangers in order that I hurt another club.

Of course another “crime” Rangers were guilty of was having the audacity to challenge SFA's Independent Panel decision to impose a 12 moth transfer embargo. In the words of Dundee United Chairman Stephen Thomson...

“"There's been a lack of remorse shown. Views have hardened.

"Taking things to a court of law hasn't helped. That's certainly hardened views of people within the game. “

So let me get this right. There is a “lack of remorse” because we dared to challenge a decision which Lord Glennie ultimately ruled was “unlawful” ? Should we have turned a blind eye to the inappropriate and unlawful punishment ? And to think these people wish to lecture us on Sporting Integrity. Perhaps Allport would refer to this as denying opportunity.

I will leave with a question I asked of you several years ago.

Where do Rangers and their support currently sit within Allport's scale. ?

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Sackcloth & Ashes

The Loving Cup sits silently within Ibrox wondering if its next outing may have a new recipient toasting Her Majesty come the new year. Perhaps it will be the chairman of Montrose or East Stirling who drink her Majesty's health from her.

Of course the very existence of that trophy is in itself a testament. Testament to a football club whose charitable credentials spread throughout not only Scottish, but British Football. Just ask any Arsenal fan, though sadly the evidence of Ranger's charitable contributions to the Arsenal cause are not backed up with physical evidence in the way that the Rangers contribution to the Holditch Colliery Disaster are. The Arsenal Shares, part of our proud heritage, have been sold during the 9 months of madness.

A 9 month reign which was acquired by selling our future (Season ticket sales) Maintained by selling our past (Arsenal shares) and our most prized assets (Jelavic) for a fraction of their true worth.

Isn't history a funny thing ?

139 years and 3 months proud history, of achievements, of supporting Scottish and British football, of supporting our communities and other Scottish football clubs, of being the standard bearers for Scotland time and time again throughout Europe, for our ongoing support of our ex-serviceman via Erskine Hospital, as well as so many other numerous worthy causes which I have failed to mention, are suddenly air brushed from existence.

Instead the focus is now firmly on a 9 month period where a charlatan has lied and cheated, aided and abetted by a less than diligent previous owner, and football governing body who apparently knew but did nothing, and as a consequence Rangers FC, if some writers are too believed, have prevented hospitals being built...our armed forces being equipped...our schoolchildren having text books....the list goes on and on.

Lets be clear about fact unequivocal - what Craig Whyte did was wrong. His tax evasion was unforgivable and as a Rangers supporter I am ashamed that our club's name and image has been so besmirched, and I know for a fact that I am not alone in expressing such sentiment.

But what kind of new history is taking shape here ? Are we now seeing a new platform for the Rangers to be societies whipping boys ? Not satisfied with holding us responsible for Scottish societies sectarian ills are we now to be responsible for our lack of hospitals, schools and roads etc ?

But we should not be surprised. The hatred of our club has reached epidemic proportions. The Arab Trust has set out quite clearly the financial projected meltdown for clubs in an SPL which has no Rangers.

However that has in no way tempered the demand and clamour to see Rangers literally hung drawn and quartered, as fans of other clubs threaten to boycott, and further damage their own clubs, should their chairmen vote to re-admit a newco Rangers back into the SPL. Hurt yourself, perhaps irreparably, just to have a kick at Rangers ? As Spock would say...”Its hatred Jim but not as we know it”

Perhaps its ironic as I write that today's newspapers are filled with a headline suggesting that Sky TV are about to withdraw their TV offer should Rangers be consigned to Scottish Division 3.

Of course as the rest of Scottish football embarks to continue to further punish the Rangers brand, the real victims in all of this have taken a far more practical view. HMRC's rejection of Green's CVA allows those individuals responsible to pursued personally and brought to account for the damage and misery they have caused. It would appear at least that HMRC have recognised that a few bad apples, given a short stay in the applecart, do not affect the whole bunch. Of course HMRC are not blinkered by an unadulterated hatred of all things Rangers. Perhaps that helps.

I said earlier history was a funny thing. Celtic Chairman Peter Lawell has been one of the few chairmen who has stated his intention of not voting to re-admit the Newco Rangers. Of course he might not have had a vote at all if Rangers had not vetoed a vote all those years ago to have his club thrown out the league for flying an Irish Tricolour above Parkhead.

But this Bear doesn't want any favours from anyone. In fact I find the vision of our “prospective owner” flashing his skirt like an auld whore at any one who will vote for our re-election to the SPL, most unedifying. You see he has made no bones about his reason for being here – the dosh. And the quicker he makes it and gets the hell outta Dodge the better. Sorry Charles but ours is a lifelong investment, and we couldn't give a jot about money. Honour and integrity however, that another matter entirely.

Because what he has failed to factor into the equation is the hatred of our club. We will always be the club who are “only there because of the financial implications of an SPL without us”. And anything our newco achieves under such circumstances will always be met with an accusation of “taint”.

What I say is let our haters have their cake and eat it. I suspect before long they will be choking and spewing on what they have consumed.

Let us go quietly and with whatever dignity we have remaining to Division 3. Let us work our way back to the top with hard work and endeavour....the Rangers Way. Let us have our period in sackcloth and ashes and our period of reflection. And let them have their reflection in an SPL without Rangers.

I hope come January 2013, the chairman of Queens Park or one of the other Div 3 chairmen are toasting Her Majesty from the Loving Cup.

Tuesday, 12 June 2012


There is a wonderful story from the Struth era at Ibrox about an away day at Shawfield. Struth asks the Ibrox kit man if the medical bag is all prepared and is met with a suggestion that “I thought we could borrow Clyde's should the need arise” Of course you can imagine the great man's response. The milder version suggests he told our kit man that we were Rangers and we would rely on no-one.

Milder version or not its a good ethos to take hold of – we are Rangers and we will rely on no-one else. Perhaps its something Charles Green wants to take hold of as he goes cap in hand grovelling around every SPL chairmen hoping to secure a vote for his newco back into the SPL. At least Charlie boy has been honest about 1 thing – he's only in it for the money and of course gaining entry to the SPL, even with sanctions, will make the money making dream come true sooner for Charlie.

But here's the problem Charlie. We the fans are not in it for the money. Nor the glory. Not are we in short term – ours is a lifetime commitment. So when we see supporters of other clubs revelling in our current demise...when we see them threaten to boycott their own clubs if they vote in a newco Rangers..(despite the predictions of a financial meltdown from the Arab trust should Rangers not be re-admitted)... then perhaps I don't want to go where I am most certainly not wanted.

You see Charlie that's the problem with hitting rock bottom....and we have certainly hit that rock called bottom......once you get there you have nothing left but your dignity and your honour. I never cheated....I never avoided paying any tax....I followed my club faithfully and will continue to do so. Here I stand I can do no other.

You would perhaps expect reasonably minded people to take the following viewpoint as Oliver Kay.....

@OliverKayTimes: Rangers to be liquidated? Jeez. Some will say the club deserve it for cheating HMRC. As so often, those who deserve it are not "the club".

@OliverKayTimes: It could happen to your club. The people who threaten Rangers, Portsmouth etc aren't "the club". They're just businessmen - crap businessmen

But they dont. Take a look around some other clubs message board forums....or the responses to newspapers columns....they want Rangers hung drawn and quartered. And apparently Scottish football will survive fine without us. Well ok fine lets let them get on with it.

But you know what....I really don't want Green to go grovelling to those who hate us to broker some kind of deal which sees us re-elected to the SPL with considerable penalties. Furthermore I want to make sure the slate is wiped clean with regard to our punishment. I never did the crime...but I was apathetic enough to let others who did run my club. I was here before them. I am here despite them. And I will be here long after they have gone. And I'm happy to do “the time”.

So forget about re-entry to the SPL.

Lets go down to Div 3 of the SFL. Lets us work our way back up with honour, integrity and hard work not some dirty back door deal with those who cant even abide our very presence.

Don't worry about revenue Charlie boy.....50,000 bears every other week will make sure of plenty of revenue. And perhaps if you stay around for a bit you will begin to get an understanding of what this club and its support are all about.

To Kill A Mockingbird

In Harper Lee's 1960 Pulitzer Prize winning novel To Kill A Mockingbird, racism, prejudice, racial inequality amongst other things in America's deep south are explored in depth, however perhaps one of my lingering memories regarding this novel is the main character's Scout Finch's, relationship with the mysterious Boo Radley. Little is known about Boo Radley and where there is an absence of fact, the space is filled with rumour and exaggeration, until we have a picture of Boo Radley akin to some kind of monstrous ogre.

All is not as it seems however and young Scout Finch is soon to learn that Boo Radley is anything but an ogre, as he comes to her rescue as the tale unfolds.

Perhaps for many of us Bears over the last few months HMRC have been our Boo Radley. The ogre hovering above our club like a vulture.

But the the reality is that the real vultures were very much closer to home. To those who brought HMRC to our very door by a mixture of reckless tax avoidance whilst others, after them, were far more blatant in their unwillingness to pay their dues.

And now with HMRC's rejection of our CVA proposal liquidation now seems a certainty. Does their rejection of our CVA proposal make them an ogre ? Well lets take a little look at exactly what they said....

"A liquidation provides the best opportunity to protect taxpayers, by allowing the potential investigation and pursuit of possible claims against those responsible for the company’s financial affairs in recent years. A CVA would restrict the scope of such action. Moreover the liquidation route does not prejudice the proposed sale of the club. This sale can take place either through a CVA or a liquidation.

So the sale is not being undermined, it simply takes a different route. Liquidation will enable a sale of the football assets to be made to a new company, thereby ensuring that football will continue at Ibrox. It also means that the new company will be free from claims or litigation in a way which would not be achievable with a CVA. Rangers can make a fresh start."

Hmmm interesting.

Perhaps Oliver Kay a journalist from the Times summed it up best with these couple of tweets....

@OliverKayTimes: Rangers to be liquidated? Jeez. Some will say the club deserve it for cheating HMRC. As so often, those who deserve it are not "the club".

@OliverKayTimes: It could happen to your club. The people who threaten Rangers, Portsmouth etc aren't "the club". They're just businessmen - crap businessmen

Is this how HMRC viewed things ? That those who deserved to be punished are those who have brought this great institution into such disrepute. ? This statement certainly appears to indicate this.... “allowing the potential investigation and pursuit of possible claims against those responsible for the company’s financial affairs in recent years”

But part of HMRC's decision seems to be based around maintaining the continuity of Rangers....

“Liquidation will enable a sale of the football assets to be made to a new company, thereby ensuring that football will continue at Ibrox. It also means that the new company will be free from claims or litigation in a way which would not be achievable with a CVA. Rangers can make a fresh start."
In fact this route allows our club to face a future without the worry of the Big Tax Case. “It also means that the new company will be free from claims or litigation in a way which would not be achievable with a CVA”

Now should a Newco Rangers – same ground – same name - same traditions... be stripped of their previous achievements ?

Well let me ask you another question. When Celtic Football and Athletic Association, under the stewardship of Fergus McCann, became Celtic Football Club PLC did they lose their titles including their 1967 European Cup win ?

All that has changed is a registration no. at Companies House.

Only time will tell whether or not HMRC will be our Boo Radley. There is still the tricky navigational challenge of gaining re-entry to the SPL as well as the prospect of several years without European football.

Perhaps the coldness of those those wilderness years will be somewhat warmed by seeing the architects of our downfall being brought to justice. And perhaps the death of a mockingbird will see the rising of a phoenix....