Monday, 18 June 2012

The debate Scotland will never have...

Hatred of enemies is easier and more intense than love of friends. But from men who are more anxious to injure opponents than to benefit the world at large no great good is to be expected.
(Lord Bertrand Russell)

This torrid period of history in our beloved club will leave many of us with memories, none of which are particularly pleasant. Perhaps the most indelible imprint however will be the unbridled hatred shown towards our club by the supporters of other SPL clubs.

While Scotland will have seminars on sectarianism, debates on racism, discussions on equality, it will not explore or discuss the unparalleled hatred shown towards Rangers and their support which, like a festering boil, has come to something of a head.

Many years ago I wrote an article on the follow follow website which asked the question where the Rangers Support sat in term of Allports Scale of Discrimination. Allport's Scale was devisied by Gordon Allport and American Psychologist and is often referred to by those involved in equality training in industry and also within tribunals where discrimination or prejudice is alleged.

The 5 stages of Allport's Scale are as follows :-

1. Antilocution: Antilocution means a majority group freely make jokes about a minority group. Speech is in terms of negative stereotypes and negative images. [2] This is also called hate speech [3]. It is commonly seen as harmless by the majority. Antilocution itself may not be harmful, but it sets the stage for more severe outlets for prejudice.

2. Avoidance: Members of the majority group actively avoid people in a minority group.[2] No direct harm may be intended, but harm is done through isolation.

3. Discrimination: Minority group is discriminated against by denying them opportunities and services and so putting prejudice into action.[2] Behaviors have the specific goal of harming the minority group by preventing them from achieving goals, getting education or jobs, etc. The majority group is actively trying to harm the minority.

4. Physical Attack: The majority group vandalize, burn or destroy minority group property and carry out violent attacks on individuals or groups.[2] Physical harm is done to members of the minority group.

5. Extermination: The majority group seeks extermination or removal of the minority group.[2] They attempt to eliminate either the entire or a large fraction of a group of people

Of course central to any theme or scale of discrimination is an allegation that an individual, or a group of people, have been treated differently to the norm.

Last week I listened to Brian Taylor's Big Debate on Radio Scotland, which was broadcast from Dundee. The question of Rangers and sanctions came up during the debate, with the majority of the panel acknowledging that depsite the right and wrongs of it all, the SPL needed Rangers from a financial viewpoint. When however the subject was thrown open to the audience, comments such as “cheats”, “misuse of EBT's” and “dual contracts” were very much to the fore. I expected Taylor, who was facilitating the debate, to remind everyone that Rangers had not yet been found guilty of these accusations and we are still currently awaiting the outcome of that hearing. No such reminder was forthcoming, from Taylor, or anyone else for that matter.

Does the presumption of innocence until proven guilty, which characterises Scots Law, not apply to Rangers ?

Of course in the stampede to have a kick at the ailing Rangers, the words “sporting integrity” has not only come to the fore, but it seems to be, all of a sudden, of the utmost importance to every non-Rangers supporter. Its almost ironic that 2 of the clubs who have been reported to be voting against Rangers being re-admitted to the SPL, were benefactors of the lack of concern for sporting integrity when both Aberdeen and Motherwell (3 times in fact) managed to avoid relegation due to League re-construction as well as failure of clubs eligible for promotion to bring their ground up to standard. Where were all the bastions of Sporting Integrity ?

On the subject of ground improvements, the concern for sporting integrity was once again absent, when Celtic FC failed to bring their ground up to standard post Taylor report. Rather than punish Celtic, the SFA leased them Hampden for a season. Sporting Integrity upheld ?

The only mainstream journalist I have seen commenting on this bloodlust to punish Rangers, the expression of delirium by other fans at our downfall, is remarkably, Jim Traynor, who not only states he has never seen anything like it, but suggests it has gone way too far.

It seems some will only be satisfied when the name of Rangers Football Club is airbrushed from history.

That hatred manifests itself in many ways. I was directed to a social network page which is advertising an “Anti- Rangers Protest March” I read 27 comments from those who would be attending and without exception every single one of them referred to Rangers as “the h***”. I believe Allport would refer to that as “hate speech”

Further evidence that Rangers are being treated differently from the norm was found by a few observant Bears very recently. Compare and contrast Jim Spence's blog regarding the fate of 2 football clubs.

But perhaps the greatest manifestation of hatred towards Rangers has been the movement amongst a number of football supporters to boycott their own clubs if their respective chairmen vote to re-admit Rangers to the SPL. This is despite an independent report which has outlined quite clearly the financial perils of an SPL without Rangers. It is perhaps testimony to the level of hatred being displayed that some Chairmen are suggesting they will bow to such pressure and vote not to re-admit Rangers.

To those of us who have spent the last few months doing anything to save our club, I can only describe as warped, doing anything to damage Rangers in order that I hurt another club.

Of course another “crime” Rangers were guilty of was having the audacity to challenge SFA's Independent Panel decision to impose a 12 moth transfer embargo. In the words of Dundee United Chairman Stephen Thomson...

“"There's been a lack of remorse shown. Views have hardened.

"Taking things to a court of law hasn't helped. That's certainly hardened views of people within the game. “

So let me get this right. There is a “lack of remorse” because we dared to challenge a decision which Lord Glennie ultimately ruled was “unlawful” ? Should we have turned a blind eye to the inappropriate and unlawful punishment ? And to think these people wish to lecture us on Sporting Integrity. Perhaps Allport would refer to this as denying opportunity.

I will leave with a question I asked of you several years ago.

Where do Rangers and their support currently sit within Allport's scale. ?

1 comment:

  1. How would Celtic, its support and Neil (brings it on himself) Lennon sit on the scale?
