Wednesday, 26 September 2012


It would be considerably remiss of me, in what has been a remarkable week, not to mention the considerable support for our club from Celtic FC and their fans, in particular The Green Brigade, by way of their zombie related banners.

A zombie of course by definition is undead or not dead depending on your preference.

Considering some have depicted the Green Brigade as the hardcore element of the Celtic support, only adds to my appreciation. That they have taken the time for such a public display of solidarity with the Rangers support is quite simply staggering.

Their banner which depicts Rangers as zombies, and thus not dead, finally puts to bed once and for all any accusation that our clubs history and heritage has died. In fact I've been so impressed with it it may well be the basis for a future article “Rangers - the club who would not die” so on a personal note I must thank them for their inspiration.

But I would not be doing our friends in the Green Brigade justice if I was to stop there. For the banner depicts a lone gunman, which I presume is Stewart Regan, forlornly trying to kill of these zombies to no avail. How good of them to acknowledge that despite the best attempts of the SFA Rangers will not die.

But it would even more remiss of me not to mention the contribution of Celtic FC and their stewards with regard to these banners. For not only did they ensure that these banners were displayed on more than one occasion they allowed them to remain on display. To such an extent in fact that they have incurred the wrath of the SFA. What an honourable sacrifice.

But special mention must be reserved for the Parkhead stewards, whose syncronised turning of the backs as the banner was unfurled was quite simply drilling of the highest order. I’m sure they wont be offended if I say such a synchronised display of drill was on a par with anything I have seen from the best Royal Marines or Guards drill squads.  In fact it would come as no surprise to me if an invitation to the Edinburgh Military tattoo was not forthcoming.

But the support from our friends in the east does not end there. For a further banner demanded "Justice for zombies".  Even the supporters of our greatest sporting rivals are acknowledging that there is a lack of fairness and balance by those in authority towards our club. Amazing.

But it would appear this may not be the end of it. For the plethora of empty seats at Parkhead last night perhaps suggests some are busy making further banners.

In these difficult times for us as Rangers supporters it is particularly heart warming that rather than support your own team you would spend your time making banners displaying your support for ours.

My sincere thanks to all who have shown their support for our club by way of these banners.

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