Friday, 30 November 2012

Leveson - The Rangers lesson

One could be forgiven for thinking that David Cameron's quick response to Lord Leveson's findings, and his caution about “crossing the rubicon” because of press phone hacking, was derived solely due to a quick scan of the findings, with most of his short focus being on the phone hacking bits.

What he has failed to take account of are the many many lives ruined not by phone hacking, but false, erroneous and inaccurate articles. The type of article which one of the witnesses stated drove her son to suicide due to the false articles printed by the press about his murdered sister. Perhaps this was epitomised best by the McCann's who when interviewed cited a newspaper report about them “selling Madeline” rather than any reference to phone hacking.

Those of us in the Rangers family have witnessed such press vilification over the last few months. Lies, manipulation of facts, reporting which lacks balance and fairness and often fact, characterise how the Scottish Press have reported the crisis at our club. In fact some, such as the BBC, have been directly responsible for some of that aforesaid crisis, due to their conduct.

But David Cameron has a major problem as he tries to convince us that the press are some kind of moral guardians of society and thus should not be exposed to legislative scrutiny. For instance what happens when those moral guardians are themselves immoral ? What happens to that guardianship when members of the press believe themselves to be above the law. ?

Where was such guardianship when murder victims phones were being hacked ? The culture of phone hacking seems to have been accepted practice amongst a considerable number of journalists. Where were all the whistle blowers exposing such abhorrent practices ? There is a reckless and cavalier arrogance amongst some of our press much of which has been evidenced during the Rangers tax case.

24 hours after a first tier tax tribunal had declared Rangers not guilty Graham Spiers was writing an article about the immorality of EBT. Not bad for a man who had been exposed on national TV hours earlier as a liar. No remorse or apology for his false and damaging accusations, just an attempt to justify them. BBC Scotland and Channel 4's Alex Thomson have followed a similar line.

The pen is mightier than the sword – but so too is the poisonous pen. It's not even a month since Lord MacAlpine was falsely accused of being a paedophile by members of the media. How does that fit into Mr Cameron's rubicon ?

But emotional damage is not the only by-product of poor, sub-standard and malicious journalism . The coverage of the Rangers use of EBT's has demonstrated there is a financial cost as well. Since the verdict many people have been asking “What if ?”

It's a good question. What if the BBC documentary had not been so one-sided and biased would the Rangers name have been less toxic and thus more attractive to buyers if they had not been led to believe the first tier tax tribunal was a foregone conclusion which would not go in Rangers favour ?

The recommendation by Lord Leveson that the press requires to be legislated will find little opposition amongst the Rangers support after what we have endured these last months.

There is a saying that “society gets the press it deserves”.

Perhaps a caveat to that is that the press gets the legislative control it deserves.

Tuesday, 27 November 2012

BBC Scotland - Objective Journalism R.I.P

It has been some considerable time since, with the help of a Vanguard Bears dossier, I wrote about the bias and lack of factual reporting towards our club by BBC Scotland. (A River Runs Through It) It will come as no surprise to anyone that the Vanguard Bears dossier regarding BBC Scotland is considerably heavier now, given what has transpired over the last few months.

But it was today, and from the pen of a non-Ranger that the final death blow was delivered to BBC Scotland. That it came from from a man who has worked for the BBC for over 40 years, and who is respected as something of an “elder statesman” amongst Sport Journalists, merely served to highlight how far BBC Scotland has fallen. A fall from which it may never recover, certainly not in this Bear's lifetime. I wont let them and I would suspect there are many reading this who feel exactly the same.

Archie MacPherson didn't mince his words. He thoroughly condemned their lack of journalistic integrity, in fact he even taunted them to use their skills to produce a documentary which asks why Rangers appear to have been singled out for such microscopic examination and failed by so many who are required to be impartial.

I think you will find Archie that those who were responsible at BBC Scotland, for so openly manipulating facts, just don't have the appetite or enthusiasm for such an examination -  not if it serves to vindicate Rangers and point the finger at others.

They are not hacks they are hags who have concocted a cauldron of poison, venom and vindictiveness towards our club. Anyone partaking of this vile brew will notice the bitter and sour taste is caused by an essential ingredient being absent – objective reporting.

Their organisation is currently banned from Ibrox, and appear quite comfortable with their imposed exile.  That ban stems from their footage prior to the Rangers v Motherwell match. A montage which the Samaritans organisation saw fit to criticise. They seem to be comfortable with the fact that they have marginalised a considerable proportion of the Scottish people against them.

They have either leaked or colluded with internet bloggers regarding their “exclusive interview” with Craig Whyte, as details of this “exclusive” appeared on the blog of a man described as “tarred with the sectarian brush” a whole day before BBC Scotland released it's well er...not so exclusive.

It came of course as no surprise to the Rangers support that BBC Scotland decided that a man whose lack of credibility and integrity they had worked tirelessly to expose whilst chairman of Rangers was suddenly credible enough to earn an exclusive platform at the BBC to spout his lies just as Charles Green was trying to attract investment into Rangers by way of a share issue. Co-incidence ? Not on your nelly.

There is a touch of irony about Archie's timing however. It comes on the day the BBC are reported to have sacked 2 members of staff for misuse of social networks following an FOI request from right wing think tank Parliament Street.

Speaking afterwords Parliament Street Director Steven George Hilley commented ..

“Misuse of social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook by employees can compromise the integrity of publicly funded organisations and trigger long-term reputational damage.


But not nearly as much damage as has been caused by those currently working for BBC Scotland at Pacific Quay with their clear anti-Rangers agenda.

Sunday, 25 November 2012


I was bemused this morning by a tweet from journalist Tom English which read....

“rangerstaxcase was a phenomenon. Total respect for the quality of that blog's information. But it became bitter and pompous and lost its way”

It would appear post verdict that the bewitching powers of the Rangers Tax Case Blog still appears to be exerting it's enchantment. What Tom English fails to recognise is that the quality of the information he refers to was obtained as a result of an employee (s) of HMRC breaching the trust of his/her employer and consequently embarking on a course of criminal conduct.

Furthermore the “bitter and pompous” nature of the blog's writers gained a credibility and respectability. It was honoured with awards, such was the extent of their stream of exclusives which appeared on an almost daily basis. Intelligent people ignored the clear motivations of those involved with the blog, they were “in the know”, their information and revelations were second to none. It appeared at times they had a hotline or a passport to the evidence HMRC's investigators had collected.

Post verdict there are now recriminations from the journalistic community towards this blog which appeared to enchant a nation to believe Rangers FC were guilty.  And of course those of us in the Rangers family are quite rightly demanding the role and conduct of HMRC be examined.

But this should not be done out of anger or recrimination, nor should such demands for an enquiry be confined to those of who are Rangers supporters.

The Rangers Tax Case Blog was successful in making the name of Rangers toxic. The financial consequences of this are well documented and do not need repeating. But they were only successful in achieving this, and their awards, as a result of the steady stream of leaks which came from HMRC and which they used to full benefit. Without such disclosures this would merely have been a “bitter and pompous” blog.

Therefore it is not only in Rangers interest, but also the public interest for a full and public investigation into HMRC. A member or member(s) of their staff are responsible for a gross breach of trust and have embarked on a course of conduct which is criminal.

The normal rules of confidentiality are set out in The Guide - to working in HM Revenue & Customs (HRLG3.2.5). These rules must be observed strictly with regard to:

information obtained during a compliance check, and

confidential official instructions issued for use within the Department.

The rules apply to contacts with

other Government departments

the public, or

any third party.

All employees of HM Revenue & Customs are under a very strict legal duty to maintain the confidentiality of information held about its customers. All HMRC staff are bound by the provisions of the Official Secrets Act 1989 and the Commissioners for Revenue and Customs Act 2005.

S18 of the CRCA also makes it clear you must not give (‘disclose’) HMRC information to anyone unless you have the lawful authority to do so - this includes other Government Departments & their Agencies, local authorities, police, any other public bodies, agents and members of the public.
Refer to Information Disclosure Guide (IDG) for more information. There is a Quick reference Guide at IDG20000.
Given the numerous exclusives which the Rangers Tax Case Blog revealed it would appear that these breaches of trust and criminal behaviour were not just a one off but were committed repeatedly and in a consistent manner.

Therefore the following questions at the very least need to be answered by HMRC :-

Did they launch an investigation into the leaks. If not why not ?

Was the culprit identified and if so what punishment did he/she receive ?

Was any person prosecuted as a result of these leaks ?

Given that these leaks are criminal were the Police involved ? If not why not ?

How was it that an employee of HMRC was able to provide what appears to be a steady stream of information over a consistent period to the Rangers Tax Case Blog ?

What action plans did HMRC management  put in place to prevent such leaks ?

These questions are not going to go away. Given the consequences and the damages which these leaks caused it is absolutely essential that a full scale enquiry is launched. The demand for this is not going to go away – if the many thousands of persons who have signed the online petition are ignored then we will simply escalate the matter further.

You can rest assured of that.

Saturday, 24 November 2012

One Word Answers

“Why the feck wont they die !!!!!!!!, we’ve done everything to de-stabilise them.”

Why is it a football club in the lowest league of Scottish football can eclipse the attendance figures of the combined matches in the so called top tier ?

“Why are they doing this ffs !!!. How can they buy season tickets after Whyte - this new guy is an unknown”

In 2012, following their club being forced into liquidation by a largely unknown Mr Whyte, Rangers supporters en mass saved their club from further financial ruin by buying season tickets on an unprecedented scale. This despite little being known about the new owner Mr Green. Their actions were not motivated by financial projections or business plans, but by the love of something that is more than just a football club. Way more.

“What do you mean Sky insist any deal is dependant on showing Rangers ? FFS they are in the third division of Scottish football”

Rangers FC, Third Division SFL, command the highest viewing figures of Sky Television's Scottish televised matches.

“They are fecked. Mark's documentary has won a BAFTA and we have the Orwellian Award. Scotland has them convicted and Phil's book will be the coup de gras. That fecker Traynor remains they only fly in the ointment.”

In October 2012 the Daily Record suspended online comments from readers due to abuse of other posters and Daily Record journalists.. Their Chief Sports Correspondent, James Traynor, was one of the few journalists in Scotland who maintained a favourable stance towards Rangers FC. His blog was the target of a particularly vociferous and vindictive campaign due to his determination to keep an open mind on Rangers FC. Ironically, at this time Channel 4 news correspondent Alex Thomson saw fit to write about so called intimidation by Rangers fans.

In November 2012 a first tier tax tribunal ruled in favour of Rangers FC and rejected the claims of HMRC that they were guilty of tax avoidance. Post verdict the Rangers Tax Case Blog, the recipient of an Orwellian award for journalism, frantically attempted to delete all files pertaining to their award winning site.

“Two fuura pound, two furra pound”

“If Rangers play on the streets, we will fill the pavements”

As Scottish Premier League Clubs are forced to offer “saver” deals in order to attract supporters to to matches, on Friday 23rd November 2012, Elgin City announce their forthcoming match with Rangers is cancelled due to the over sale of tickets and on the health and safety advice of the Police.

One word..


The legend goes from strength to strength.

Friday, 23 November 2012

So shall they reap as they have sown...

It resembles the desolation of the aftermath of a battlefield. The keyboards of the Rangers Tax Case bloggers have fallen silent in a manner akin to a Nazi artillery unit. Their frantic and forlorn attempts to delete all trace of their blogs the actions of an innocent man/men ? I say forlorn because they are still available via the google servers albeit as raw data.

Of course like any battlefield pockets of resistance remain. We were treated to Graham Spiers post verdict espousing on the immorality of EBT's. Pardon me Mr Spiers, but I will pass on lessons on morality from a man who was caught lying on national television only this week.

James Traynor, one of few journalists to emerge with any credit from this whole debacle, summed it up perfectly. He was ashamed to be part of the fraternity of Scottish journalists. Let me say this to you Jim, you should feel no shame nor should you feel guilty by association.

Nor should the guilt be attributed to solely to one area of Scottish society. Many months ago I wrote that Craig Whyte's shame proved to be the catalyst to a nation's disgrace. An entire nation seemed to sweep aside the fundamental principle that a party was innocent until proven guilty. Holyrood was silent as a nation moved to convict Rangers. Where were the moral guardians of our society, of fairness, equality and justice ? The word “cheat” became synonymous with Rangers.

But not only did Scotland abandon a fundamental principle of law upon which every civilised nation is built, in it's thirst to quench and justify it's hatred of Rangers, it drank from whichever watering hole would give it succour. So often in testimony the character of the witness does much to verify the credibility of the evidence being given.

A failed and disgraced lawyer who can only practise under the strictest of supervision. A man who has been forced to change his surname with the regularity of a person on a diet of All Bran and prunes. An anonymous blog whose intent was clear – to destabilise Rangers Football Club. Perhaps their Orwellian Award will serve as the greatest reminder and indictment of this nation's disgrace.

Or perhaps not. For some of the aforementioned gained a respectability and credibility due to gross unprofessional and criminal conduct by some in publicly accountable bodies. Its is still unclear the motives behind the leaks from HMRC to the Rangers Tax Case Blog. But it gave a website driven by hate the ammunition of exclusives to fire bullets of credibility and respectability.

Equally so for the man of many surnames who managed to gazump BBC Scotland's “exclusive interview” with Craig Whyte by posting details of the interview the day before it's BBC Scotland release.

Its shouldn't be the anger of the Ranger's support which is the catalyst to official in-depth investigations regarding these bodies aforementioned, but a desire to find the truth and bring those accountable to book. Perhaps those outside the Rangers family should be asking questions of the official bodies whose conduct and behaviour was instrumental in feeding this bloodfest. Because not only did they fail Rangers – they have failed society, all of it.

There is a saying that a broken clock is right twice a day. Therefore its perhaps fitting that I mention when Graham Spiers is right. Rare happenings should after all, be highlighted. He was right when he said that as a result of the tribunal victory Rangers fans will be more dangerous than ever.

We will be. We have learned not to trust, not to be naïve. We have seen the hatred of our club manifested. We have seen a total abandonment of all safeguards of decency and fairness in the clammer to kick our club when it was down. We have learned we cannot even trust those who are required by law to be objective and impartial, that the term fair-minded does not apply when Rangers are the subject.

You gave it your best shot, you played dirty, you were underhand, cowardly. You deceived, you manipulated.

But you failed.

But you did succeed in one respect.

You have awoken the sleeping giant and filled it with a terrible resolve.

I have learned that not only is the pen mightier than the sword, so too is the poisonous pen.

It is time for them to prepare to reap the seeds which they have sown.


Wednesday, 21 November 2012

Who's sorry now ?

Its hard to know where to start. So many highlights as a result of the tax tribunal verdict.

Fortunate then that Phil Macgiollabhain with his many repetitions over the last few months of the 5 stages of grief had, paved the way of our understanding of what was to come. And come they did as those Rangers haters came to terms with the loss of the ogre which gave some sort of warped justification to their hatred of all things Rangers.

Rangers didn't cheat. Nor match fix. Nor were they guilty of financial doping. They didn't rob our front line troops of essential supplies or schoolchildren of their textbooks.

The denial phase of grief was particularly amusing. Watching Grahan Spiers on national TV squirming and stuttering and denying he had used the term cheat was hilarious whilst at the same time tweets of his screenshots, confirming to the contrary, were winging their way around the internet world.

But that was not my favourite. For me thousands of obsessed Rangers haters pouring over every single word of the tribunal summation desperately seeking some form of justification was even funnier. One in particular caught my eye concerning an amateur tax expert called Luigi on Twitter...

@tomenglishsport I accept you've had little time to react to FTTT, but have you read paragraphs 159,161&163 of judgment? I suggest you do.

To which Tom English replied ...

@Luigi19701 Those sections are from the HMRC QC, not the tribunal judges

Cue collapsing world. Oh how I laughed.

But it didn't end there of course. Random thoughts (for random read “obsessed) disgraced lawyer Paul McConville was conspicuous by his absence. His random thoughts on the Rangers tax verdict (which would have been his 600th odd random thought on our club) were a lesson in brevity as he had to nip out to his daughters musical recital. Wonder what she played “Who's sorry now” ?

But it's a story which just keeps on giving and giving.

Traynor's piece in the Record today, where he trounced all and sundry for their hatred, their willingness to accept as gospel those bigots and Rangers haters who suddenly became “tax experts” was food and drink to this Bear.

And on the subject of food...I'm off for some jelly and ice cream.

Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Dear Lord Patten....

Some of you will have noticed I've been relatively quiet of late. In truth this self-imposed exile has been to allow a situation to develop or perhaps, more appropriately, not develop. You see the enemies of Rangers, within Pacific Quay made what I suspect is a considerable error last month.

It came as a surprise to all of us that BBC Scotland claimed an “exclusive” interview with former Rangers owner Craig Whyte. Much of that surprise was due to the fairly acrimonious relationship the aforementioned appeared to enjoy. After all was in not a series of damaging revelations made by BBC Scotland which caused Whyte to ban them from Ibrox and threaten court action against them ?

Adding to the surprise element was the fact that this media organisation were allowing Whyte such a platform after they had repeatedly over a series of months called into question both his integrity and credibility. And surprise surprise, this “exclusive” interview, and apparent turnaround in attitude by BBC Scotland towards Craig Whyte, emerged as Rangers new owner Charles Green was trying to attract investors to the club by way of a share flotation.

But of course BBC Scotland got gazumped.

For details of that interview were released on internet blogger Phil Mac Giolla Bhain's website on the 16th October under the heading “Hurricane Craigie set to hit Ibrox” a whole day before BBC Scotland released their “exclusive”.

There is no other explanation other than someone at BBC Scotland leaked details of the “exclusive” interview to the internet blogger.

So put yourself in the shoes of the BBC Scotland editorial staff. You obtain something of a media “exclusive” and use licence payers money to facilitate the “scoop” only to find that someone within your organisation has leaked details of the interview to an internet blogger who manages to steal the thunder.

What would you do ?

The words “internal investigation” spring to mind.

Did they have one ? After all someone at Pacific Quay undermined BBC Scotland's exclusivity regarding this interview.

If so was anyone disciplined for this breach of trust ?

If no such internal investigation took place I would like to know why. Particularly when BBC Licence payers money is used to facilitate an “exclusive” interview, which an internet blogger in the Republic of Ireland somehow managed to get the details of before the story was released.

I appreciate Lord Patten is busy with other matters at the moment, perhaps someone else at the BBC Trust will answer my query. After all nothing seems “exclusive” these days....