Friday, 23 November 2012

So shall they reap as they have sown...

It resembles the desolation of the aftermath of a battlefield. The keyboards of the Rangers Tax Case bloggers have fallen silent in a manner akin to a Nazi artillery unit. Their frantic and forlorn attempts to delete all trace of their blogs the actions of an innocent man/men ? I say forlorn because they are still available via the google servers albeit as raw data.

Of course like any battlefield pockets of resistance remain. We were treated to Graham Spiers post verdict espousing on the immorality of EBT's. Pardon me Mr Spiers, but I will pass on lessons on morality from a man who was caught lying on national television only this week.

James Traynor, one of few journalists to emerge with any credit from this whole debacle, summed it up perfectly. He was ashamed to be part of the fraternity of Scottish journalists. Let me say this to you Jim, you should feel no shame nor should you feel guilty by association.

Nor should the guilt be attributed to solely to one area of Scottish society. Many months ago I wrote that Craig Whyte's shame proved to be the catalyst to a nation's disgrace. An entire nation seemed to sweep aside the fundamental principle that a party was innocent until proven guilty. Holyrood was silent as a nation moved to convict Rangers. Where were the moral guardians of our society, of fairness, equality and justice ? The word “cheat” became synonymous with Rangers.

But not only did Scotland abandon a fundamental principle of law upon which every civilised nation is built, in it's thirst to quench and justify it's hatred of Rangers, it drank from whichever watering hole would give it succour. So often in testimony the character of the witness does much to verify the credibility of the evidence being given.

A failed and disgraced lawyer who can only practise under the strictest of supervision. A man who has been forced to change his surname with the regularity of a person on a diet of All Bran and prunes. An anonymous blog whose intent was clear – to destabilise Rangers Football Club. Perhaps their Orwellian Award will serve as the greatest reminder and indictment of this nation's disgrace.

Or perhaps not. For some of the aforementioned gained a respectability and credibility due to gross unprofessional and criminal conduct by some in publicly accountable bodies. Its is still unclear the motives behind the leaks from HMRC to the Rangers Tax Case Blog. But it gave a website driven by hate the ammunition of exclusives to fire bullets of credibility and respectability.

Equally so for the man of many surnames who managed to gazump BBC Scotland's “exclusive interview” with Craig Whyte by posting details of the interview the day before it's BBC Scotland release.

Its shouldn't be the anger of the Ranger's support which is the catalyst to official in-depth investigations regarding these bodies aforementioned, but a desire to find the truth and bring those accountable to book. Perhaps those outside the Rangers family should be asking questions of the official bodies whose conduct and behaviour was instrumental in feeding this bloodfest. Because not only did they fail Rangers – they have failed society, all of it.

There is a saying that a broken clock is right twice a day. Therefore its perhaps fitting that I mention when Graham Spiers is right. Rare happenings should after all, be highlighted. He was right when he said that as a result of the tribunal victory Rangers fans will be more dangerous than ever.

We will be. We have learned not to trust, not to be naïve. We have seen the hatred of our club manifested. We have seen a total abandonment of all safeguards of decency and fairness in the clammer to kick our club when it was down. We have learned we cannot even trust those who are required by law to be objective and impartial, that the term fair-minded does not apply when Rangers are the subject.

You gave it your best shot, you played dirty, you were underhand, cowardly. You deceived, you manipulated.

But you failed.

But you did succeed in one respect.

You have awoken the sleeping giant and filled it with a terrible resolve.

I have learned that not only is the pen mightier than the sword, so too is the poisonous pen.

It is time for them to prepare to reap the seeds which they have sown.


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