Sunday, 6 April 2014

Consistent inconsistency

My tweet announcing my retiral from online forums came as a surprise to some but not to others. What was once a rich and abundant land of views, debate, humour and Rangers related stories never to be found in any book, have at times become little more than “gang huts” where you hang out according to your take on all things Rangers. Either that or the same tired arguments are done to death in every thread, as opposing factions slog it out,  exchanging profanity and insults to fellow bears who happen to hold a different perspective on things.  I’m an ex-Marine, a bit of profanity doesn’t bother me, watching a community I care deeply for, tear itself apart from within, does however. 

The Rangers online community is fragmented, divided and marginalised.  I often wonder if those who appear to have an appetite for such a status quo remaining, realise that such fragmentation and division makes us something else – ineffective.  As we expel energy and effort into trumping one another at  7 card insult, how are we faring at defending our club from those who would seek to cause her fatal injury ? With the various technologies available to us via social media, forums, e-mail, blogs etc did we manage to mobilise and ensure the 100,000 signatures required for the E-Petition  into HMRC confidential leaks were attained ? Brace yourself – we didn’t even reach half the desired number of signatories.

We appear to struggle with the concept of consistency. Outwardly we take umbrage at inflammatory language used by other club’s officials, supporter’s trusts spokespersons and journalists yet inwardly, we are guilty of much worse towards one another.  As we not only strive, but demand equality, parity and respect from others, how debilitating to our case is it that we seem incapable of exercising these qualities to one another ? But I do consistency something of an injustice, for it is far more than just a standard we need to aspire to in order to establish credibility. It also serves as a compass in determining motivation. 

I’ve realised Twitter with its limitations, is not the ideal platform for engaging in the kind of debate we as a support need to have. And have as a matter of urgency. But I find it a valuable tool for gauging the motivation of others. Yesterday, demands were made of Rangers Media to exercise responsible and appropriate moderation on their site – I would concur with such sentiment but only with an additional caveat. Should we not be making similar demands of all forums ? Why single out one when others are equally as guilty of allowing the unacceptable to remain unchecked ? RST members had to suffer the unedifying sight recently on Follow Follow, of former board members engaging in accusation and counter accusation, a tit for tat exchange involving allegations of serious criminality, along with what has almost become the “obligatory” character assassination.  A support demanding equality and parity from others need to be consistent in the demands we make of ourselves if we are to be taken seriously.

Bill McMurdo and I had a very public disagreement recently on Rangers Media. Bill’s proposal recently that we as supporters have no right to question the board, to me smacks of a dis-empowerment of our support. The club we love only continues in existence due to one of the few things we manage as a support to get collectively right – our ability to support the team no matter what.

But I would like to continue the theme of consistency by asking you a hypothetical question.

What would your feelings be if an e-mail was produced from the Easdales or Jack Irvine on which Bill McMurdo was an addressee, asking him to ready himself for one final push around the time of the AGM ?

Martin Luther said “Peace if possible, truth at all costs”

My dance of peace is over. Whatever the cost, its time truth prevailed.

In delivering that truth I can offer you no “inside info” from Ibrox nor an exclusive from an “unnamed source”. The only agenda I offer is putting our club and support first. 

But I guess you already knew that, it’s probably why you got this far in the first place.

Yours in Rangers


1 comment:

  1. Well said D'Artagnan. I'm getting sick and tired of bears verbally stabbing the fuck out of each other, while the haters do the same thing to the club we love. It seriously verges on the pathetic and most definitely touches on the idiotic. You mentioned the HMRC leaks, that gutted me. The fact that we could only muster under half of the number required to have this criminal act looked at was shameful. Can you imagine if celtic had been in that situation??? We are our own worst enemy and as long as we're divided, our external enemies will take every opportunity to try and finish our club off. Wake up bears.
